January 8th, 2012

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Sunday, January 8th, 2012


I do not have ADD or ADHD.  But as my headline says “Ramblings from a guy whose mind is always spinning and spinning.”   Sometimes the spinning makes me dizzy.  Sometimes I even have trouble sleeping at night if I wake up.  So, bear with me today as I try to bring some order to my random world (and you become a victim).

One of my readers, Dan Black, and his wife, Ashley, were blessed with a son, Logan.  Logan was very premature so he was put on a vent and into a NeoNatal Intensive Care Unit. I asked for prayer for all three of them.  I cannot even begin to fathom the pain of going home from the hospital with your child still there.  Dan has kept me updated on Logan and his most recent was this: “Logan is breathing on his own.  He is beginning to bottle feed. We should get to take him home in 2-3 weeks.”  He also asked me to tell all who have prayed, “Thanks.”  So thanks for your prayers.  Ultimate thanks to the Father in heaven.

I recently made an emergency trip to the Indy hospital for preemie birth of twins. The little girl lived for 20 minutes.  Her brother weighed in at 4#1 oz.  He will be in the hospital on a vent for up to 7 weeks they suspect.  Pray for Joe & Erin.

If anyone would have told me that I would be enjoying sunny 40-50 degree weather and riding my bike in January, I would have told them they were nuts.  I would also have been eating my words.   I have this sneaking suspicion winter will hit with a vengeance.  However, I am not complaining.  🙂

Been reading Living on the Edge by Chip Ingram.  He tells the story of the documentary of a man who decided to test the quality of food in one of America’s most famous fast food restaurants.  The 30 day plan was to eat nothing but fast food morning, noon, and night.  Tests were done prior to the experiment for evaluation.  Unfortunately, the experiment did not last 30 days.  After 20 days or so of a steady diet of only fast food, the man’s body began to shut down.  The high-sugar, high-fat, fried, and processed food began to build up toxins to such a degree that he had to be hospitalized.  Ironically the food tasted great; tragically it almost killed him.   Hmmmm.  What does that say about our penchant for fast foods and what it is doing to us?  Does pizza count as fast food since it takes some time to make?   😛

Finally, this song has been on my playlist.  I have not historically been a fan of theirs, and never really listened to much of their music.  But I recently bought their “The Best Yet” CD.  I have become a fan.  izvlfeVTNv0

Thanks for reading my random thoughts. Anything random happening in your life you care to share?  What are you listening to that is having an impact?