January 22nd, 2012

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Sunday, January 22nd, 2012

This is going to be a two-pronged post.  Hopefully you will stay with me.  🙂

This afternoon (Sunday) I did a memorial service for a couple whose little girl went to be with Jesus 20 minutes after birth.   I mentioned her  birth/death here.  She had actually been born January 4th.   Her brother is still doing well, although he is in the Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Indy.  Being a pastor is sometimes fun. Sometimes it isn’t.  The latter is the case here.  However, it does offer one of the greatest times to give hope.  I have absolutely NO DOUBT where she is right now.  I was able to offer the parents/grandparents/friends that hope this afternoon.

I love that passage in Mark 10:13-16 where Jesus rebukes the disciples for shoving away the little children.  If there is ever a passage that shows the heart of Jesus toward children it is that one.  I have never experienced the loss of a child, so the last thing I would ever think of doing is saying, “I know how you feel.”  Not only is that a bold-faced lie, but unless one has been through that kind of loss, it is best to keep the trap shut.  Know what I mean?  Pastors…or any person…although well-meaning, can do unrepairable damage by pretending.  I would like to ask you to say a prayer for Joe & Erin and baby Joe.  We have prayed each week for them, and Joe told me they would like to come and visit.  Almost their whole day is spent at the hospital, so when Joe gets out (6 more weeks at least), maybe they will.  I sincerely hope so we can continue ministering to them.


In the interest of space (and word count), I’d like to just give you the Scripture I used for the questions/statements from the message. To see those questions/statements go here.   I will just give the number and the Scripture will follow.

#1:  Psalm 8:3-4139:13-18

#2: Matthew 7:7-11; Romans 8:28-29; Eccl. 3:11

#3: Luke 11:5-13; 18:1-8  Jesus taught these two parables to teach men not to be discouraged in their prayer lives, not to bug God until He gets upset enough to finally grant our request.

#4: Romans 8:26-27; Jn.14:26-27

#5:  no Scripture directly.  I did say this: sometimes being a follower of Jesus puts us under greater trial so we can be a tribute to Him, so we can bring glory to His Name. 

#6: James 1:5-8  God wants us to ask Him, not for Him, but for us!

#7: No specific Scripture but two questions to consider: 1) Are you listening to God; and 2) Are you harboring anything against anyone?

To say I am a little spacy would be an understatement, to be honest.  🙂   I look forward to putting my head on my pillow tonight.  🙂  Thanks for your prayers for Joe & Erin.  Thanks for your prayers for me.  Say a prayer for Jason & Andrea as they are  in Japan adopting a little boy.  Keep praying for Dan, Ashley and Logan Black.  Anyone else you want to add to that list?