February 12th, 2012

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Sunday, February 12th, 2012



Okay…so that is a little extreme.  Then again…maybe it’s not.  How many people do you know, including Christ-followers, who live their life believing it is all about ME?   Be honest now.  Haven’t you ever felt that way before?  I have.   Before you read any more, please take a moment and look at a video.  {BEFORE you do: a disclaimer.  I went looking for a song about ME.  I have never heard this song or of this “singer” before.  Keep in mind that my daughters are both in their 30s and I have a grandson.  I decided to use it because of the lyrics}.  Now…here is the video.

Sadly, many of us either know people like that, or struggle ourselves.  One of the things we will often hear when talking about worship is “worship is an Audience of One.”  That sounds really nice (and it is).  The definition is correct in that our worship should only be directed toward ONE.

AND we can say we do that…but do we really?  Can I honestly say yesterday when I was in the corporate worship with others that my focus was on God and God alone?  I never once wondered what anyone else thought?  I never once wondered if someone thought I was weird raising my hands in praise to the King of kings?  I never once thought someone was off-key?  You get the picture.

Just as worship is not about us, neither is salvation.  There was something much bigger happening in the life of Jonah than just Jonah’s “salvation.”  God didn’t save Jonah from the ocean and put him in the belly of the fish for just Jonah.  He had plans for Jonah that were far bigger than he knew.  “Go to Ninevah.  I am going to destroy that city unless they repent.”  Jonah wasn’t saved just for himself; he was saved for Ninevah also. He had a message to carry to the heathens in that great city.

Salvation is not about me.  Not really.  It starts with me coming to know Jesus as my Savior.  But I was never saved for just me.  There are more fish to catch.  🙂  With that in mind, how selfish it is of me to keep the message to myself!  It is not about ME.  Never was.  It was and is always about HIM and His love for all men.   What do you think?  Do you struggle with this?  I would love to hear your thoughts.