March 6th, 2012 browsing by day



Tuesday, March 6th, 2012


Sadly, those are the words that come to mind when that word…Intimacy…is mentioned.   Depending on who is reading what and where, there will be those waiting for any salacious gossip they can get their hands on.  Others reflect back to the person closest to them.  So, relax!  This is not about anything dirty, or salacious, or hopefully not worthy of being passed on.   If you read my post here, you will know that my focus this month in my preaching is Transformed by His Presence.  This past Sunday I talked about getting personal, e-r-r-r-r intimate.   I did talk about what it meant to be a follower, but talking about what it means, and becoming one (what it takes) is often worlds apart. So I spent some time discussing how we can become intimate with Jesus.  I’d like to pass them on to you (for what it’s worth).   Since credit needs to be given where credit is due: my sources were Following Christ by Joesph Stowell and Intimacy with the Almighty by Chuck Swindoll.  (Main thoughts theirs; commentary mine)

1. Open the door of your heart.  It never ceases to amaze me that God wants and pursues a relationship with me.  But when that door is opened for Him…look out!!   God is not interested in masks, costumes or camouflage.  He is interested in coming in and doing some housecleaning.

2.  Pursue Him.   Any relationship doesn’t just happen.  It is built on communication and closeness.  We need to have regular conversations through prayer and exposure to His Word.   Part of my Quiet Time is spent reading the Gospels.  If I want to know what Jesus said and did, why not go to the source?

3.  Put Him in His Place.  Over the years I have learned that the best way to live a Christ-honoring life is not to live it by a list of priorities (like we have always been  taught).  I have found much more satisfaction and relief by using the picture of a wagon wheel, where Christ is the hub and the spokes are my daily life.  Christ then is the center of my existence and everything is influenced by Him.

4. Be where He is.  Instead of “God, I am over here, come join me!” we are asking, “God, where are you working?  Put me there.”

5.  Surrender.  The Scripture here encourages us to strip off the weight, run the race, with our focus on Christ.

6.  See Him in His People.  Although not visible, Christ often manifests Himself through His people as we interact with them.  Be a hand that gives a hand.  Give encouragement.  Comfort. Love. Compassion.

These are practical ways to have an intimate relationship with Jesus.  Do you know of any more?  How are you doing in this area?  I’d like to hear your thoughts.