March 11th, 2012 browsing by day



Sunday, March 11th, 2012

The late Vance Havner, a preacher from years gone by once said:

It is not our business to make the message acceptable, but to make it available.  We are not to see that they like it, but that they get it.  {Quoted in “Eats with Sinners” by Arron Chambers-p.31} 

WOW!  Does that ever pack a punch!  Just a quick reading of that quote might give us a hint that Mr. Havner was having issues with something that the church even today is struggling with.  Are you ready for it?


How many times have you heard that word in the last week?  month? year?  In how many sermons, conferences, blogs, etc have you heard or read that word recently?  That is one of those hot-button words that creeps into conversations of pastors, church planters, and those associated with churches.  It is debated, discussed, and sometimes dismissed.  As much as I hate to ask this question this way, it comes down to this: How accessible can/should the church make Jesus to the world?  See why I hate to ask that question?  Stated that way it conjures up all sorts of crazy reactions, including some frothing at the mouth by the purists who take things literally, who when hearing that will automatically think compromise is in the works.  But I mean that in all sincerity.   I have a heart to see people come to know Jesus, but I also don’t want to see the church stuck in the past.

Let’s be totally honest: there are some things churches do/can do that will keep people away.  Besides the obvious argument of “too many hypocrites” (really now…can’t they get a little more creative than that old expression?), I do think that some churches close doors to people hearing the Gospel.   Here are just 4:

1.  Clothing.  This is still a hot issue in some churches/denominations.  I’m not talking about the uncut hair/skirt groups.  I am talking about the “you must dress up to be here” or even the “you must dress down” group.

2.  Church buildings.  This one makes my blood boil a little.  We have bought into the world’s adage, “if you build it they will come.”  That is also why a record number of churches filed for bankruptcy and had their buildings foreclosed on in 2011.  Buildings are nothing more than boxes-they don’t move; don’t grow; don’t last; don’t care.

3.   Judgmentalism.   I could go on and on about this-appearance, smell, demeanor, tattoos, etc.  Way too much judging goes on in the “name of Jesus” to suit me.

4.  Apathy. Far more dangerous than the current emphasis on social justice is the simple issue of “I don’t care.”

There are more I know.  But that is where you come in.  What would you add to this list of door-closers?  I would like to hear your thoughts on what I have written or some of your own suggestions.