March 15th, 2012 browsing by day



Thursday, March 15th, 2012

One of my favorite scenes in all of the Indiana Jones movies is the test Indy has to pass to pick the cup of Christ.  The final one is the one of faith- he has to step out into a seemingly deep chasm where he cannot see any rational solution to his “step of faith.”   If you haven’t seen the movie (we are out of the Dark Ages folks), I don’t want to spoil what happens.  I suggest you watch Indiana Jones 3.

People have been told to take a “leap of faith” for ages.  In some instances it is a much-needed prod.  Far too many are content to sit on their…aaaahh…haunches and refuse to get involved because they can’t “see the end.”  They lack faith.  Others have used the “leap of faith” concept to do (how do I say this kindly?) really dumb things.  Instead of a step of faith it is a test of God.  Please understand, I am not opposed to stepping out in faith if God leads a person that way.  But to presume upon God is taking it a bit too far.  That however is a discussion for another time.

My message Sunday is on faith, on stepping out.  Using Luke 5:1-11, I am hoping to challenge myself and the people to do two things:




What Jesus asked the disciples to do was to have audacious faith.  “I know you have  been fishing all night and haven’t caught a thing.  Go out into the deep water.  When you get there, put down your nets.”  It is never easy to take risks.  It is never easy to go against what makes you comfortable.  It is never easy to move out and step out on faith.  It is never easy to go beyond what makes us feel like we have a security blanket.

If you have ever played Euchre there is an expression used: “Go big or stay at home.”  Maybe we ought to start adopting that for our Christian walk.

What about you?  Do you feel like you are a risk-taker?  Do you feel like you are one who is willing to step out in faith?  Do you feel like you play it too safe?  I would like to hear your thoughts. 

Today is my day off but part of the morning will be spent at the hospital while Dan has surgery.  I am sure he will appreciate your prayers for his surgery and recovery.  And I would appreciate your prayers for our Sunday.