February 3rd, 2013

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Sunday, February 3rd, 2013

Webster’s online dictionary defines bluster this way:

  • “to talk with noisy swaggering threats.”
  • “to blow in stormy noisy gusts, to be windy and boisterous.”
  • “to utter with noisy self-assertiveness.”

I am writing this before the Super Bowl happens, so take what I am going to say with that in mind.  One of the things that is common in all sporting events, political arenas before a big vote, and other such events, is the amount of bluster that takes place.  While not all that thrilled with the outcome of the previous election, I am s-o-o-o-o-o glad it is over!  The amount of unnecessary verbiage was totally annoying and mind-boggling.   Since I am writing this before the Super Bowl, the past two weeks seem to have been quiet compared to what will take place the closer the game gets and afterwards.  I realize some of this is pure hype.  Some of it is the excitement of the moment.  But I can’t wait to hear how many times I will hear “The greatest game ever” or “one of the greatest to ever play in the SB.”  I gottta admit I can handle a bit better than when someone is tooting their own horn.

I have been reading Tony Dungy’s Uncommon Life Daily Challenge as part of my morning devotional time.  Appropriately, his February 2nd devotion was about patting ourselves on the back.  He gave an excellent quote his high school coach often quoted:

Talent is God-given- be thankful.  Praise is man-given- be humble.  Conceit is self-given- be careful.

BAM!  He also tells the story of Tim Tebow’s parents, who would not allow their sons (Tim included) to tell about their own feats unless they were asked about them.  Apparently there was a lot of bragging going on among Tim and his brothers and subsequently to others, and their parents wanted it to stop.   So Tim and his brothers were forbidden to talk about their exploits, unless asked.  Perhaps that is why Tim is reluctant to toot his own horn in press conferences.

Proverbs 27:2 says, “Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips.”   Those are good words.  They are words of warning. They are words of exhortation.  They are words of conviction.   Sometimes it is hard to bite our tongues and let others do the talking.  It is hard not to seek recognition, but allow someone else to recognize and bring it to the front.  But the words of the coach; the words of Tim Tebow’s parents; and most definitely the words of Proverbs are wise ones.

Do you find blustery people hard to stomach?  What do you when people start bragging about themselves?  Have you ever had someone stop you in mid “blustery” sentence and put a check on you?