July 16th, 2014

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Wednesday, July 16th, 2014

It should go without saying that Christ-followers should have higher standards.

What I don’t mean is a holier-than-thou-attitude. If you were sitting next to me at the moment I wrote those words you would have seen me shiver.

Nor should we ever give the impression we are above the fray. You know the old Hammer song: “Can’t touch this.” That is the quickest way to failure.

There is one standard we all need to work on. As a pastor, I realize I live under a bubble. A glass house so to speak. I know the danger of throwing stones. I am grateful for a wife and two daughters who never failed to remind me (in mostly subtle ways) that I am human. I am not into what I will call “pastor worship.” The very thought of that gags me and turns my stomach. The pastor has evolved from being a shepherd to being a CEO. I despised that evolution then. Still do. The church was never meant to be run like a business, and the pastor was never meant to be the “head” of that business. Frankly, and you can call me coward if you want, I don’t want to run everything. I don’t want carte blanche rights on all decisions.

And I certainly don’t want worshiped!! Please don’t PEDESTAL me. I’m thinking of the Old Testament story of the god Dagon found knocked off its pedestal and on its face twice because it was in the presence of the Ark (symbolized the presence of God). That god is me. That god is you. That god is any pastor who takes upon himself the mantle of preeminence.

Barnabas Piper (John’s son) has written an excellent article. Originally published in 2012 it has been republished here. I’d suggest you check it out. I’d also suggest you try to get it into the hands of your pastor (if you have one).

Meanwhile, cut out the “pastor worship.” If he is worth his salt, he won’t want it anyway. Plus he will say, “He must increase; but I must decrease.”  AND MEAN IT.
