August 21st, 2014 browsing by day



Thursday, August 21st, 2014

Want to start a theological argument?  Pick certain subjects like…

Baptism- purpose of and mode

Communion- how often and what happens during its observance

Second Coming- pre, post, or amil. Rapture or not?

Israel- favored or unfavored people?

Tongues- yes or no?

Predestination/Foreordained- Are we or aren’t we?

Those subjects and more get people going. I would even say “Rabid” from time to time. There is one which I purposely left off the list, even though it will cause some heartburn as well.


It goes by several names: “Eternal security.” “Once saved; always saved.” Yeah, that will get some people riled up.

But what if we just took out of the realm of surety of salvation and into the realm of a calm and peace which comes from knowing you are saved? What if we used the picture of the shepherd and his sheep as the backdrop for our discussion? You see…I lived and preached for years that a person could not know he was saved. No assurance. No peace. It really came down to a works-oriented approach. “If you really want to know you are saved then you must do this or this or not do this or this.” Of course, the list for the “Dont’s” was always longer.

Sad part is: I had no assurance myself. When a person lives with a constant fear of losing everything, there can be no joy, peace and…here it is… assurance.

My sermon Sunday is from John 10-the Shepherd and his sheep. I want to give assurance to those who live with uncertainty. I’d appreciate your prayers for me and the church.

Do you live with assurance? What other topics do you think cause grief?