August 26th, 2014 browsing by day



Tuesday, August 26th, 2014

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Several weeks ago I preached a sermon on John 4 and the woman at the well. I borrowed some thoughts from Chapter 2 of this book. First, some backdrop. We all worship…Someone or something. We have been created for that. It should be a given not everyone will worship God. As Jesus talked to the woman at the well, she said something to Him about drawing from a well without a bucket. His answer was “Whoever drinks this water will be thirsty again, but I will give living water where he will never thirst again.”

Matt identifies three barriers to true worship:

Barrier #1: Wrong Wells

  • money and comfort
  • relationships and sex
  • respect and success

Barrier #2: Unconfessed Sin

Barrier #3: Ignorance

But there is so much more to worship than what hinders it! I firmly believe the barriers given do affect our worship. Let me clarify: they most definitely influence our worship. But in that same conversation Jesus also says something which strikes gold in His conversation with her and should with us. We find it in verse 24: “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth.”  I like the way Matt puts it: “with both inflamed hearts and informed minds.” While some might think they are mutually exclusive, I don’t. I personally don’t think someone needs to check their brains at the door when he worships. Nor do I think someone needs to check their heart at that same door.

I know there are certain personalities. Some are emotional worshipers. Some are more “heady.” Neither one is right or wrong. I confess: I am more of an emotional worshiper than say, my wife. It took me awhile to learn it was okay to raise my hands, to let tears roll down my cheeks, to allow the Spirit to speak to me through the words. But I’m also okay with those who don’t express their worship in the same way. (In any case, I am not an advocate for uncontained worship either). I don’t care if one expresses worship emotionally, physically, or with his hands in his pockets, AS LONG AS THAT WORSHIP IS GENUINE. And nothing is so sweet as when the church (the creature) worships as one.

And you say?

This is a continuation of my blogging about Creature of the Word. Post #1 is here. I welcome your comments and thoughts.