September 10th, 2014 browsing by day



Wednesday, September 10th, 2014

I’m not one for cliches. In fact, the words I would use is “I hate cliches.”

“God works all things together for good.”  And how does that ease the pain?

“God is good all the time; all the time God is good.” Sorry. Sort of hackneyed.

“God never closes a door without opening a window.” Can He open it wider?

I know. I am being cynical. Sorry if that offends you. Even pastors have those days/times when answers don’t come easy. 🙂

Someone I know and love is hurting. There is not a blasted thing I can do about it. I can pray, but this person needs feet and skin right now. I can spout off some of those cliches, but you know how that would go over? Honestly, I would probably gag over my own words if I did that.

Funny thing: I believe the sentiment behind those cliches. I just hate hearing them. And I certainly don’t want to be guilty of saying them mindlessly to a person who is hurting.

You see…

I do believe God is sovereign.

I do believe God is loving.

I do believe God has things under control and is in control.

And yes, I do believe He has the best in mind.

My head says that. Sometimes my heart hasn’t caught up.

Anyway, what are your thoughts? Any more cliches you can come up that people use? How do you handle them?

*And no the title is not a typo.

I made reference to a post of another blogger but it has become unavailable at this time. Sorry for the mix-up. That post is now available. It is here.