October 8th, 2014

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Wednesday, October 8th, 2014

I seldom give up my platform for anyone. There will be those who say, “True.”

For example, I love preaching. With all my heart. It is one of my deepest loves and passions. Giving up the pulpit is a struggle for me most of the time. Except for Ryan. I feel comfortable with his rapport with the people and his heart for them. I know he will not purposely inflame anyone. 🙂

I have from time to time asked people to write a guest post. It is not because I think I am better than them. (God knows I’m not). I find it hard to give up my “voice.” Right or wrong the admission is there.

However, when I read something which stirs me to the core, I want people to know it and read it. Such is the case with my friend David’s post. I’ll not say anything more except to ask you to please read it. Click here for the post.

David, my friend, you hit the nail on the head.

What do you think?

Yeah. that cake is for me. They couldn’t put enough candles on it though because it would burn the place down. Thursday, October 9th, is my 62nd birthday. The way I see it: the adventure has just started. I “ain’t” ready to hang up my boots and find a hammock. Maybe a bicycle seat but not a hammock. 🙂 As they say…”don’t applaud. Just throw money.” My address is……