November 20th, 2014 browsing by day



Thursday, November 20th, 2014

Hard Question: what is the most often forgotten time of the year but is still special?

Still don’t know? What holiday is sandwiched between the ghastliness of Halloween and the celebration of Christmas?

Still don’t know? What holiday begins with “T” and ends with “G” and has HANKSGIVIN in between?

Silly I know. You probably got it between the second and third question. Right? 🙂

The sad part about Thanksgiving is it doesn’t have the spiritual flavor of Easter…the Resurrection. It doesn’t have the pop of July 4th. It doesn’t have the national flavor of Memorial Day or Labor Day. It doesn’t have the “love” factor of Valentine’s Day. Thanksgiving is…just…well…there.

But I contend Thanksgiving should hold a special place in the heart of every person, especially those who follow Christ. Every person has much to be thankful for if they have a roof over their head, clothes on their body, and food in their stomach. The follower of Christ has even more.

Truthfully, even though there is very little fanfare given to Thanksgiving (except for some having a day off or watching football, eating, etc), the follower of Christ should relish it.

For that reason I am preaching on Luke 17:11-19 this Sunday. It is also the reason I will be taking a few days next week to post some Thanksgiving thoughts and after Wednesday’s post, take the rest of the weekend off. (Besides, my daughter and grandson are coming to visit next Friday. Sorry they take precedence over my blog.) 🙂

Thanks for your prayers this weekend. Have a great weekend.