January 22nd, 2015

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Thursday, January 22nd, 2015


It is easy to get jaded. We all know that. Take sports…professional especially. This past year was a bad one for all sports. Allegations of rape, cheating, spousal abuse, child abuse, drugs, arrogance, adulterous affairs, “coming out” and disunity are but a few. It is even worse when it involves someone in our community or someone we know.

It is especially hard to accept when the person calls themselves a follower of Christ and “blows it” big time. We sometimes forget they put their pants on the same way we all do. We sometimes forget they have feet of clay. We ought to be yelling, “Pedestal come down!”

Reality stinks sometimes. But even then those who fall require grace. The harsh truth is those of us who have received grace are to give grace as well. Years ago I heard someone say this:

Before it can happen through me it must happen to me.

No clue who said it, but it translates to this: Before I can show grace to others, grace must happen in me. Every Christ-follower has had experience with grace. We are saved by it. We are kept by it. But that doesn’t make life any easier. In Romans 6 Paul says some pretty straight on things. For example, in verse 16 he tells us how we live depends on the master we choose. J.B. Phillips puts it: “You belong to the power which you choose to obey.” Grace has freed us to obey Christ.

As I have been shown grace, I need to show grace. Sort of like if I have been forgiven, I need to forgive. (Matthew 18)

Sunday’s message is on extending grace to others. I’d like to encourage you to do so, just as I will be doing in the message. Appreciate your prayers.