March 2nd, 2015 browsing by day



Monday, March 2nd, 2015

Previously on Cycleguy’s Spin

“If you, as God’s child, will simply claim healing, prosperity, and the filling of the Spirit-claim it aloud in the name of Jesus, and keep claiming it over and over-you WILL move the hand of God. God WILL heal you! God WILL prosper you! Just claim it in the name of Jesus and it is yours!”

I’m opening up a can of worms here.

Those words from dogmatic men women shysters are so common that they have become a bedrock of belief for many throughout the church worldwide.

But honestly…I have yet to see how someone who claims to study the Bible, can seriously believe that garbage! Take a look around people!! Methinks those who spout off that poppycock like the lining of their pockets.

I have some serious questions to ask: Is God that predictable that He would guarantee all blessings, equal blessings, to all people? Is He so predictable we think He can be manipulated into action on our behalf?

It is true God is predictable. “He is the sameĀ  yesterday, today, and forever” we are told. His character is predictable. He is holy. Loving. Merciful. Full of grace. Truthful. And more. But never are we told God makes everyday life smooth. And prosperous. And well.

What is predictable is God has promised to go through whatever storms life throws at us…with us. I’ll listen and hang onto that truth far sooner than I will lies of prosperity and wellness.

I love it that God is predictable…in who He is. That makes all the difference in the world.