May 5th, 2015 browsing by day



Tuesday, May 5th, 2015



Disclaimer: this post is for Christ-followers. (Just a warning)

There are a lot of things which “scare” people. I could name them but what is the purpose in that? I just want to write about one in this post. Ready?


That doesn’t bring the beads of sweat it used to bring out on people, self included. I was so naive about the Holy Spirit years ago that the first time I was in a worship where people raised their hands I literally broke out in a cold sweat! It was so new to me, and I had heard such horror stories I thought for sure chaos was going to break out.

Now…I are one of those people.  🙂  Don’t get me wrong. I believe in decency and order. But I raise my hands when it is appropriate. Appropriate to me is when I am worshiping and praising God for who He is. For comic relief, check out this video by Tim Hawkins.

There are actually two sides to this equation. There is the side I described: fear. There is also the other side: complete disrespect. IMHO the whole “slain in the Spirit” thing borders on this, as does the working the emotions into a lather.

Surely the Holy Spirit doesn’t work depending on our lack of or over emotion. He works as He wills. But I guess the first thing we need to do is figure out who the Holy Spirit is to start with. I’m going to capsulize Bobby’s thoughts:

The Holy Spirit is a Person. Not a flesh and blood person but He is not an “It” either. He is described as having characteristics of a person.

The Holy Spirit is Fully God. No one understands the Trinity. I certainly don’t. I do believe the Holy Spirit is part of the Trinity-Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit possesses Divine Attributes. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, holy, all-present.

The Holy Spirit works within the hearts of people. Jesus tells us He will convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgement. (John 16:8-11)

As you can imagine, I have only touched the hem of the garment, so to speak, when it comes to talking about the Holy Spirit. My purpose is not to offend you if you believe differently. I simply gave a wrap-up of this final chapter of Bobby’s book. What is your view? (Be kind if you disagree).

I went a tad longer because this is the last post about Bobby’s book. I do hope you might find the time to pick the book up for yourself and read it. It will challenge you. Thanks for tuning in each week. Next up is a more than a-once-a-week series of posts about 46 Stones. Hope you will join me.