July 16th, 2015

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Thursday, July 16th, 2015

Ask anyone what their favorite fruit is and you will probably get that many different answers. Grapes (I prefer the seedless kind). Watermelon. Bing cherries (one of my favorites). Cantaloupe. Oranges. The list seems endless.

Ask people about the fruit of the Spirit and many, if not most, can name the first one: LOVE.

Jason Clark, in his book Prone to Love writes: “Love is the beginning and the end, and everything in between, and everything before and everything after. Love is infinite, immeasurable. Love is complete. Love is the answer, not the question. Love is always good.” (pp.29-30)

Joel Manby, in his book Love Works writes: “Leading with love is counterintuitive in today’s business environment because it turns many so-called leadership principles upside-down.” (p.12)

What is this thing called love? That is another word which will get a ton of different answers. As you might have guessed, my sermon this week is on the first fruit of the Spirit mentioned: LOVE.

A lot can be said about love. Some of it good; some of it bad. Not that love is bad, but the way “love” is displayed can cause a person to raise eyebrows. I hope to give a good perspective on love this coming Sunday. I’d appreciate your prayers as we take a breather from Paul’s talk about grace and justification by faith, and talk about qualities each of us should seek to develop and exhibit.

Thanks ahead of time for your prayers. By the way, how would you define love?