July 30th, 2015

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Thursday, July 30th, 2015

Untold millions are spent every year, especially in this country where we have so much, trying to find peace. Every year, thousands of people seeking personal or family peace, flock to professional counselors (I’m not saying that is bad…just stating a fact). Many will go see the drama lama, I mean Dalai Lama, while others will flock to the Yogi side of things. Diplomats will fly around the world pursuing peace between nations (ain’t going to happen). Our court systems are jammed with cases arising from a breakdown of peace between individuals or corporations. And you and I both know people who used to be friends but are no longer due to a rift which developed.

Peace is an oft missing commodity these days. There are actually three avenues of peace which we need. We need eternal peace. We need internal peace. And we need external peace.

All in all though, there are three essentials to pursuing peace with others:

1. Remember we are fellow members of the same body (the church). Cancer is a rogue cell rebelling against the rest. Many are fighting a cancer in their church body.

2. Realize the cause of discord often lies wholly or partly with us. Yeah, I’m guilty. So are you.

3. Take the initiative to pursue peace with another person. Wrong or Wronged. Lay aside the sword.

I hope to bring home those three thoughts this Sunday. Thanks for praying.