August 20th, 2015 browsing by day



Thursday, August 20th, 2015


“Always Faithful.” The touchstone of the Marines. Have you noticed most Marines will even have “Semper Fi” as their last words to each other?

Webster defines touchstone as “a fundamental or quintessential part or feature.” Synonyms listed in Roget’s Thesaurus are “standard, gauge, yardstick.”

To me, if there is one attribute or characteristic of God which stands head and shoulders above the others it is this one: His Faithfulness. I’m not a hymn person but there are two which still speak volumes to me. One is When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, especially at Communion time; and the other is Great is Thy Faithfulness (I even “put up with” the King James English). 🙂  The latter hymn finds its basis in Lamentations 3:22-24. The faithfulness of God is a touchstone, a cornerstone, upon which our faith is built. If God is not faithful, then what we are doing is a waste of time. If I can expect Him to dump me at first glitch, then I’m in deep trouble.

The ancient patriarchs- Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Noah, and others-all expected God to keep His promises, especially the one of His Faithfulness to them. No matter the circumstance, God was faithful.

My Sunday message is on the fruit of the Spirit: faithfulness. In my next post I plan to show the traits of faithfulness as found in the life of Daniel. Until then, I’d appreciate your prayers.