August 23rd, 2015 browsing by day



Sunday, August 23rd, 2015

One of the hardest things for many to do is to celebrate someone else’s fortune.

Either we don’t care


our competitive juices get to flowing


The ugly green monster rears its ugly head.

The Bible says, “Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep.” I’m afraid many of us do the opposite. We weep with those who rejoice and rejoice at those who weep. We have trouble seeing someone get ahead or enjoying something we ourselves want. And if someone gets ahead of us competitively…well there is just no reasoning with us.

That is why the video I am asking you to take a look at stands out so much. You may not care much for baseball. This video comes from the Little League World Series. What the young man batting does is phenomenal, but the real “star” of the show is the pitcher’s reaction. Watch it here.

Being a baseball lover, I absolutely love the action. The hit. The teammates. But this pitcher’s response is priceless. Maybe the church can learn a thing or two on how to rejoice in others’ pleasure.

What do you think?