October 1st, 2015

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Thursday, October 1st, 2015


 After spending nine months in Galatians, I am going to take a break from the “book” approach and take a more topical approach. OVCF celebrates her 11th Anniversary in October with a celebration on the 25th, so I thought I would take a look at what it means to be a church which is alive.

First up: On Your Mark…Go!

It is no secret the church must be able to reach each generation. It is one generation away from irrelevance. It starts with a question: why is the church here? The reason is simple: without a purpose we have no rhyme or reason.

It should be no surprise the church suffers from erosion-from inside and out. Erosion is a gradual destruction of something. Or to put it another way: “destroy by degree.” Erosion of values is real. What many thought years ago could/would never happen…has. The Bible predicted it. It said people will love having their ears tickled. But did we see this storm coming?

So…what does the church do? Stand by and watch it happen? Do we wring our hands in despair and give up? I say neither. We start acting like the church is supposed to act. Reaching out. Serving the less fortunate. Preaching the Gospel. Showing compassion without compromise.

So as I start this new series, would you mind saying a prayer for me, for us? Thanks.  And how do you envision the church alive?

Banner photo courtesy of razorplanet.com