November 10th, 2015 browsing by day



Tuesday, November 10th, 2015

So…I have a question for you to think about.

And I will say right up front this is mostly focused on those who attend church and have a reasonable idea of what they are looking for when they do.

For as long as I can remember, the tradition I grew up in would say things like “We preach the Bible here.” “We are a church which preaches the Bible and nothing else” (as opposed to any creed). “We are a Bible-believing, Bible-preaching church.”  (Let’s hope so).

I now wonder if perhaps those are the wrong things to say. Say what?

I wonder if we have put so much emphasis on “Bible-preaching church” that we have almost made an idol of the Bible. Don’t get me wrong. (Go here and read the fourth statement. Those are my words in print). But I can remember from my teen years being told we are not to worship the Bible but the God/Author of the Bible.

So…here’s my question: Which is better to say: “We are a Jesus-centered church or a Bible-centered church?”

What do you think?