February 7th, 2016

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Sunday, February 7th, 2016

I’ve been reading #Struggles by Craig Groeschel and in a chapter on Compassion he includes this quote:

Compassion is the knowledge that there can never really be any peace and joy for me until there is peace and joy finally for you too.  Frederick Buechner

In all honesty, I’m not sure how I feel about that quote. I see the value of it. And yet…I wonder if the scenario he suggests says I will never arrive at having my compassion satisfied.

The nature of my job exposes me to people all the time who either “play the system” or just have trouble finding the “key” to what they are missing. If I help people does that guarantee they will come to a place of peace and joy? The obvious answer is no. But compassion is what drew me to try to help.

#easytobehard. Three Dog Night sang a song back in the late 60s/early 70s by that title. It is easy to be hard. It is also easy to be cold. I find that true especially with those who keep coming back for more when they have done nothing to better their situation or themselves along the way. #easytobecynical.

But compassion is something we all need. I pray I never grow so cold or hard or cynical that I stop seeing people who are hurting. “Forgive me, Father, when I close my eyes to the ones who need to experience a touch of Your hand on their life. I may be the only one to do that. Give me compassion for the lost and hurting soul.”