April 25th, 2016

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Monday, April 25th, 2016

It has been silent here in Cycleguy’s Spin Land lately. Sort of on purpose. But sort of not.

Ryan, our youth pastor, was gone for almost 17 days to Liberia on a mission trip. I found myself (for some strange reason) busier than normal. Maybe self-imposed…I don’t know. I went to a musical our high school choir did (Beauty and the Beast…a marvelous job). I attended a number of group functions where my presence was requested. I had a memorial service as a favor to a friend. I visited in the nursing home and hospital (part of what I do anyway). I rode my bike and went to the Y.

I also attended a couple movies. Our local theater, the Tivoli, has a throwback Thursday once a month. The movie this month was one of my favorites, Gladiator. I had never seen it on the big screen and Jo had never cared to watch it with me at home. She went with me and liked it! She was also bummed. Her first words to Tami when we got home were (spoiler alert: he died!).  I chuckled.

We also attended two faith-based movies. Two weekends ago we saw “Miracles from Heaven.” I honestly did not know what to expect. I thought it was well-acted. I’m glad “easy answers” weren’t given. Except for the annoying people in the church who said, “You don’t have enough faith” that is. Gr-r-r-r-r-r. I am also shaky on the whole “I went to heaven and met Someone idea” so that would be my only real rub. I thought the movie was excellent and would be a good conversation starter. Oh…bring tissues with you.

This past weekend we saw “God is Not Dead 2.” We both enjoyed this movie. I thought it was better than the first. Why? Because I understood it a whole lot more. The other was more “braniac-ish” (I fall short in that area) as he tried to prove there was a God. #2 was closer to home in that it was like reading the daily media frenzy of someone who speaks up/stands up for their faith. You know…the whole “we want tolerance unless you disagree with us then we will become intolerant” issue. It was well-acted and brought out some good discussion points.

There you have it. Ramblings from a mind that is always spinning. Slow mo sometimes but still spinning. 🙂