August 6th, 2016 browsing by day



Saturday, August 6th, 2016


Waiting. One of our my most favorite things to do. I love waiting in a WM line when the line is back into the store and only three cashiers are open. I used to love waiting in line at an amusement park. I love waiting at a seemingly never-ending red traffic light. {Please notice the sarcasm}.

Why is waiting to hard to put up with? Maybe more to the point: why is waiting on God to “come through” so hard. By “come through” I mean answer a prayer or change a situation or (fill in the blank).

Psalm 13 is a psalm of waiting. David lived as a fugitive for 8-9 years running from Saul even though he was a national hero. “Saul has killed his thousands but David his tens of thousands” they used to chant.

Dr. David Jeremiah had cancer. It was painful and drawn out. He wrote a book called When Your World Falls Apart where he gave 3 reasons why waiting is so hard. Here they are:

When God delays, we feel forgotten. [Psalm 13:1a]

When God delays, we feel forsaken. [13: 1b] Being forgotten is one thing; being forsaken is another.

When God delays, we feel frustrated. [13:2]  David is frustrated by his own emotions and he is frustrated because of his enemy. [2b]

I usually ask you to pray for me as I preach, but life happened and I got to this late. So I’ll just pass on some of what I shared with the folks Sunday morning. And if you get this before that, then by all means pray. Thanks. 🙂