August 25th, 2016 browsing by day



Thursday, August 25th, 2016


I have spent the summer preaching on different psalms under the banner of “Life is an Adventure!” This Sunday is the last of the Psalms series. I tried to avoid many of the familiar ones for the simple reason of bringing something new to the table. I really wanted the people of OVCF to experience something new. I think I have accomplished that for the most part.

So I asked myself what Psalm could I close with that would be fairly (if not totally) new, but at the same time give some encouragement that would correspond with getting back into the school and work routine. As I was having my personal devotional time I read Psalm 112. As I read it I thought, “Man, there is some good stuff there!” Then the wheels started turning and I feel like I found a good way to end my study of Psalms.

I approached this passage with a question: “if this (name something specific) was taken away from me, what would I do?” Asked another way it would be this: “What is really important in my pursuit of a full life of adventure?”  This chapter begins with the challenge of making the right choice as to whom you will follow. Then it gives three characteristics of the man/woman who chooses to be a person who is rock solid.

If you have a few minutes, I’d like to ask you to pray for me and the folks who will be here Sunday. Thanks.