May 12th, 2017 browsing by day



Friday, May 12th, 2017

If any man is tempted to question the wisdom of God, it is only because that man has never paused long enough to consider God’s remarkable creation called woman. When God saw Adam alone it was the first time He said, “It is not good.” Eve was His crowning achievement. “And it was good.”

My life would not be what it is today if not for the women in my life. First (obviously) is my late mother. Although married, she did not have much support (except her own father and mother) in raising her 4 boys to love and serve God. Her influence lives on in me. I would not function very well without the love of my life, Jo. We have had our ups and down, our struggles, our quiet times, but most definitely time of laughter. The past couple months has brought a renewal of our love for each other. I am deeply and profoundly affected by the love of my two adult daughters. I marvel at how well God has molded them into beautiful young ladies.

There are many, both in the religious world and non-religious world, who want to rip apart the Bible and its Author and authors as being chauvinistic pigs. Even a recent comment I have heard shows the ignorance of taking that accusatory stance. God and His Word give women the highest place of honor. “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” Pr. 31:30.

Doesn’t sound like a put down to me.


to all you women. Guys! Let’s stand up and be one of their voices as we scream from the mountaintop of our love for them and their meaning to our lives.

Sunday, 3 women will be speaking to the church during the morning worship. I have asked them to be part of my “sermon.” I’d like to ask for extra prayers for these very nervous ladies. Thanks.