January 14th, 2018

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Sunday, January 14th, 2018

Sunday I spoke about the need for surrender.


The more I study, the more I am convinced of something. You may disagree with me and that is, of course, your prerogative. 🙂 We hear a lot from people and yes, singers, telling us we need more of God. I have no qualms about craving God. He says, “Be still and know I am God.”  Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness.” Desiring to know God should be a daily prayer on our lips.

But what if we have missed the boat on this? Now…please hear me out. Maybe it isn’t so much of us needing more of God. Maybe it is God having more of us. Could this be the emphasis of surrender? I think there is validity to that statement.

So here is my statement in a nutshell: I don’t think it is a matter of me having more of God. It is a matter of Him having more of me. {Note: perhaps they work in tandem?} No matter how you look at it, it involves surrender. It involves a willingness to give it all to Him-my life, my thoughts, my mind, my will. In short: not to be conformed but to be transformed.  Or as J.B.Phillips put it in his paraphrase of the NT: “Don’t let the world squeeze you into its mold.”

In this post I mentioned a song I was going to use before Sunday’s message. You can read about it there. But while riding my bike (inside) on Thursday morning I heard this song and was immediately struck by its meaning. I also “felt” like I ought to use it instead. So I did. Enjoy the song but please, please, pay attention to the words.