February 21st, 2018

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Wednesday, February 21st, 2018

I have been reading a new book by Phil Cooke and Jonathan Bock called The Way Back: How Christians Blew our Credibility and HOW WE GET IT BACK. There has been a lot of underlining and highlighting as I’ve read because of how true so much of what they write has been. It has been informative. Convicting. Educational. Challenging.

They quote English crime writer Dorothy Sayers from the 1940s. She warned of a fast-approaching church that would be too comfortable and tolerant to make any waves:

In the world it calls itself tolerance; but in hell it is called despair…It is the sin that believes in nothing, cares for nothing, seeks to know nothing, hates nothing, finds purpose in nothing, lives for nothing, and remains alive only because there is nothing it would die for. (p.101)

Long story short; there comes a point in time when we have to make a stand. The church (as a whole) and many Christ-followers have bought into the “tolerance agenda” of the vocal minority. But one thing is true: the truth doesn’t change. Whether we agree with it or not; whether we can stomach it or not; whether we try to debate it away or not; that fact still remains. The Truth is the truth.

I was quite intrigued by this quote: “I’ve always said that I don’t respect people who don’t proselytize. I don’t respect that at all. If you believe that there’s a heaven and a hell, and people could be going to hell or not getting eternal life, and you think that it’s not really worth telling them this because it would make it socially awkward…how much to you have to hate somebody to not proselytize? How much do you have to hate somebody to believe everlasting life is possible and not tell them that? “  Now…here’s the kicker. That quote is by magician and entertainer (and atheist) Penn Jillette

Maybe…just maybe…our silence is deafening.  Maybe we ought to stop bowing down to the “tolerance police” and start standing for Truth. Those are my thoughts. What are yours?