
Written by cycleguy on July 7th, 2013

Sometimes clarity doesn’t come easily.  I am writing this Sunday, early evening.  It has not been as easy weekend with seemingly a thousand and one things dividing my mind.  It started early in the week.  Thursday, July 4th, threw me completely off my study game.  Friday is my day off and a busy one kept  me hopping.  (I did, however, get to ride on both Thursday and Friday).  🙂  Saturday was also full, especially in the morning when I usually get to the office early to begin looking over my sermon and doing some “inside” preparation for Sunday.  This morning came and several events happened that really revealed that I was in no condition to preach.  Little things, but nagging ones.  I practiced my sermon to an empty building (if the mice listen then I figure it was okay, but if they scurry then I need some work).  🙂  I didn’t like what I had so I made some changes/deletions to what I had.  So, I figured what I needed was to do something other than come to the office to study some more.  Is there such a thing as studying too much?  Can you keep your nose to the grindstone too much?

So I did what I really like to do.  I went for a ride.  I know.  You saw that coming didn’t you?   It was while I was out riding 22 miles in 80+ degree weather that it hit me what might be the problem.  I do very little thinking while riding.  I don’t want to ruin my time away, but this time I couldn’t avoid it.  When I stopped at mile #11, I took out my phone and hunted for a movie clip that tells my story.  I found it.  You can watch it here. It is only 30 some seconds long (and I apologize for the word used at the beginning).   By the way, I happen to like the actor, and this is my second favorite baseball movie of all time…the first being Field of Dreams.


That is what I needed to do.  I needed to clear the clutter.  Summer is usually a slow down time for me, for the church.  Not this year.  I am leading two small groups instead of one Wednesday night study.  Still preaching.  Still having meetings. Still mentoring.  Please understand…I am NOT complaining.  I would not want to be doing anything else.  But after not having a bike for almost a month, I was tired from keeping the string too tight.  The Bowflex just didn’t cut it.

No man is really happy or safe without a hobby, and it makes precious little difference what the outside interest may be-botany, beetles or butterflies; roses, tulips or irises; fishing, mountaineering or antiques-anything will do as long as he straddles a hobby and rides it hard.  Sir William Osler

 Are you keeping your string too tight?  What do you do for clarity?


28 Comments so far ↓

  1. Daniel says:

    My daughter is “what” keeps me loose. Without my time with her, I become so much less human. She also helps me to relax my mind and my spirit.

  2. My cycling is running. That clears my mind, though I think way too much.

    • cycleguy says:

      You are can multi-task! I can’t easily so that is why I do very little thinking when cycling. Plus I’m too busy looking over my shoulder for cars. 🙂

  3. Rick Dawson says:

    I don’t know, Bill – ever since the cancer diagnosis forced a total re-evaluation of my life’s priorities, I can’t say as how I’ve let too many things get me too wound up anymore. I do love playing the guitar and listening to music, but I can listen to instrumental stuff while I read and research.

    Another thing I do is walk away from whatever has me temporarily flummoxed – if it is reading someone who is taking me deeper than I’m able to comprehend at first, or thinking about what I need to do next on the writing front – that’ll “clear the mechanism” in time and over time.

    Something I read in Tom Clancy’s stuff a while back kind of stuck with me – train hard, right up to the edge, then ease back. My sons in the Corps say much the same.

    BTW? What movie does that clip come from? I’ve seen FOD, and that isn’t from it… 🙂

    • cycleguy says:

      Some life events do serve to slow us down Rick. Unfortunately (or the opposite depending on your perspective) cancer has been yours. Hope you are recovering. I like the Clancy thought. It is from For the Love of the Game. Give it a watch and let me know what you think. While some morals are the pits, the messages are good as well.

      • Rick Dawson says:

        I’ll definitely watch it – I like Kevin Costner as an actor, and I like baseball movies. I don’t expect morality out of Hollywood, but I’ll listen and watch and take away what I can.

        For me, cancer was a blessing in so many ways – but it sounds a bit off to someone who hasn’t been there themselves, and everyone’s perspective is different. 🙂 (Smiling because of the title of my next post)

  4. “Soul” clutter will rob us for sure. For me to detox, I need to be by water, preferably the ocean. Water helps me connect with God and “unsticks” me… enabling the creative process to flow (pun intended) once again.

    Thanks bro’!

  5. Susan says:

    It’s way to easy for me to pull the string too tight. I’m a first born, and have been told that is one of the markers of being one. When I finally did let the string a little loose, I eventually got to the place where I had to let go of everything for awhile.

    • cycleguy says:

      I am not sure if my string is tight because of who I am or what I expect of myself. I had an older brother who died one day after birth so don’t know if I am still considered the older one or not. But you know, sometimes it doesn’t hurt to let go of everything from time to time.

  6. floyd says:

    “You couldn’t pitch-uh-tent!” I always chuckle at that line… I’ve been told by more people than I’m comfortable with that I’m an intense person. I become wound tight constantly. Like you I exercise to take the edge off. I knew instinctively years ago, before it was the “in” thing to do, that my heart pumping hard was cleaning the posions out of my blood and mind… It is a gift from God. Good for you for listening toi your heart. There’s a lesson all unto itself.

  7. Kari Scare says:

    Years ago, the string was too tight all the time. Now, it happens a lot less, though occasionally. For clarity, I need a lot of God’s Word in front of me every day. I need to run and ride bike regularly. I need to talk with my husband. I need variety in the books I read. I need to stay healthy physically. Those are essential for me to have clarity.

    • cycleguy says:

      I hope it goes without saying that I need God’s Word also but I also found that all work and no play makes Bill a very dull and edgy man. Your recipe is a good one Kari. Thanks.

  8. Ed says:

    I think my problem is that I actually leave my string too loose most if not all of the time. As a guitarist would say “I’m out of tune.” That usually ends up getting me into trouble.

  9. Betty Draper says:

    Mountains unwind me, good book and a good movie. Exercise is what is missing right now, got to get back to a routine. Our last five weeks have been extremely full with traveling, face to face encounters, family stress, etc. Good post, got me to thinking about on purpose doing something to relieve those tight strings.

    • cycleguy says:

      We have hills around here but I do love a good book and a good movie. Traveling always takes me out of my relaxing zone and puts undo stress on me. Out of a routine I reckon. That sure sound strange though.

  10. jeff says:

    A glass of Bourbon at 5:00 does the trick for me.

  11. tcavey says:

    We all need to unwind. Lately I’ve been pulled too thin and I’m looking forward to some down time. Thankfully each day my toddler reminds me that life is more than tasks. He’s my joy!

  12. Ben Nelson says:

    this one hits home Pastor Bill. that is right where i am. I did a bit of nothing on this 4 day weekend, and it was wonderful, but i hear where you are coming from for sure.

  13. Debbie says:

    He keeps talking to me about the stress, Pastor Bill. Thank you for talking to us about it too! I have trouble with feeling guilty if I’m not working, doing something, all the time. I do find working with my hands, creating something, has a wonderful effect on me. Now, just to do more of it when I need clarity!
    God bless you!