
Written by cycleguy on October 30th, 2008

So…what do you do when it is 2:45 and you are laying in bed awake and stuff is flowing through your head like a rushing river? I have this to do. I have this blog to write. Speaking of blog…and then an idea blows through your belfry like a rushing wind. No, not like Acts 2. 🙂 But it was blowing strong enough that I thought it was time to get up and get to the office and write. I am not an author by any stretch but I wonder if it is like this for them. Sleeping…inspiration… oh rats gotta get up and write. Anyway…I could not get this Kaitlyn situation out of my mind. More accurately: I cannot get your response out of my mind. This Sunday my final message of the No Perfect People Allowed series is on Be The Body. I am pretty sure you know where I am going with that message. I believe we are all aware of the fact that too many-way too many-think the church is the building or that church takes place in the building. I hate to admit this but in my younger days as a pastor I knew better but still acted like it did. That is what I really like about this young generation (‘course anyone younger than 56 fits that) of Christ-followers. They understand the concept that church is not, and in actuality has nothing to do with the building. Sure fellowship takes place when God’s people get together. But what the church is all about really takes place beyond the walls of that building. Matthew 9:36 says, “When He saw the crowds, He had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” When Jesus looked out on the neighborhood, He saw beneath the surface. He saw deep into people’s lives-into the pain and confusion, into the disease and trouble, into the heartache and sadness, into the chains of brokenness and addictions (yes they had them then) that kept people slaves. Matthew put it right: He saw them as sheep without a shepherd. I was struck by a quote from the book UnChristian that said, “Many of those outside of Christianity, especially younger adults, have little trust in the Christian faith, and esteem for the lifestyle of Christ followers is quickly fading among outsiders.” That hurts! God wants to represent Himself through us and that will only happen when the church is the church, not in a building but outside the walls of that building.

I know many of you know that. I have seen it. I saw it with the outpouring of love and concern for Steve “All Toes in the Water” Heartsill following this event. I saw it for this man, his wife and family. I imagine this young man and his wife have heard of your prayers being said for them and their future. And after the trauma of a miscarriage there is no question that this young lady knew you were praying for her and would appreciate your prayers for her and the baby that is due in January of 2009. This lady knows the power of healing prayer in her own life and has known and seen and “felt” the prayers of God’s people then and now. And I know that many of the church planters listed on my blogroll would attest to the fact that you prayed and are continuing to do so. And now I have seen it with your outpouring of support for Kaitlyn and her parents! But people I don’t even know you! I have never met any of you in person, shaken your hand, given you a hug, laughed or cried with you in person, or any other thing people associate with “bonding” (I am not fond of that word but am at a loss right now). Frankly, I don’t think the world understands that. Heck, sometimes I don’t even understand it and I am the recipient of that kind of love. But I know what it is! It is the body being the body!!!! It is the church being what Jesus intended the church to be. Well…I have gone on long enough. I just want to say that first, I am overwhelmed by God’s love and concern through this ordeal. Second, I am overwhelmed by your love, concern and prayers for Kaitlyn. Youns (Pittsburgh talk for y’all and sounds like ‘look’) amaze me. Thanks from the bottom of my heart for your prayers for Kaitlyn. I know her parents thank you also.

Care to share your experience with the body being the body?  I want to hear it and I think others would be excited to also.


20 Comments so far ↓

  1. Bill…since I was the gift of that outpouring of love and concerrn, my experience is firsthand.

    While in the hospital, my wife said, "Wonder if your blogging buddies are missing you?"

    Confession time. I had wondered the same thing! As I was laying in CCU, I was thinking about and praying for you guys! As strange as it seems, I missed all of you! I really did.

    I think you are on to something here…could it be that the love and concern we feel for each other is just a taste of what God intended the church to be? Could it be that the love we feel for people we've never met will somehow be similar to the love we experience in heaven, with the millions and millions of people we've never known? Who knows…but, this I do know, the love on this side of heaven by all of you is awesome…!!!

  2. And Bill…as an editor…let me say, you are a pretty darn good writer…maybe you aren't published yet…but, you could be!

  3. cycleguy says:

    Steve: I think you know now that you were definitely missed and people were wondering about you. That is an awesome feeling to have. I bet it was cool being able to look at your wife and say, “Yep they were.” And heaven is going to be awesome especially if we don’t get to meet down here. 🙂 However…after this afternoon’s post (mine) you may not want to know me anymore.

    And thanks for the compliment. I definitely won’t quit my day job just yet. 🙂

  4. Heidi Reed says:

    Awwww, Bill. That was super sweet. When I experienced the miscarriage I felt peace like a coat and I know it was from my praying family (known and unknown). I have been praying since I got pregnant with this little wee one that anyone who prays on our behalf will be doubly blessed by God. That was a sweet post and yes sometimes I do get ideas in the middle of the night (or nightmares, but that’s Steve’s fault). However, I wait until the next day to write about it. 🙂


  5. cycleguy says:

    Heidi: experiencing that peace is exactly what God’s Spirit and God’s Word promises for Christ-followers. When a devastating event can be a catalyst to peace then you know that what you have is real. I am praying for you and a healthy baby. Thanks for the hugs.

  6. Heidi…I haven’t posted anything lately to give you nightmares…unless you count the Alabama Fight Song (since I know you lean toward OSU–and not the midwest team)…other than that, most of my posts have been very, very safe…and sweet…

  7. cycleguy says:

    Steve: if I was a big Ohio State fan (not much of a f-ball fan at all) your Alabama post would have given me nightmares. 🙂

  8. Jealous…you are all just jealous…not a great trait there…you and Heidi, all of you Ohio people stick up for each other…then again, after they lost last Saturday night, maybe a few fans will come over to my side!

  9. cycleguy says:

    They lost? I didn’t even know until Sunday sometime. that is how much I care about f-ball. Jealous? Not a chance there Mr. Alabama.

  10. And, just as a point of information…there was absolutely not mention of me commenting first this morning…I am so much the second child to Camey…

  11. Heidi Reed says:

    LOL – And I haven’t had any nightmares lately either (Steve) Mr. Giant Spider on my home page. And OSU still has the best darn band in the land (doesn’t sound right saying “darn” there, but I don’t want to offend), no matter if the team wins or loses. Ha!

  12. Heidi Reed says:

    Bill: Thanks for the prayers. I am very humbled by them. Takes the sarcasm and vinegar right outta me. LOL!!

  13. I gotta agree with Steve, you are an excellent writer. Embrace that fact, my friend.

    That’s the great part of the body of Christ – we all work together, when called to act, for a common purpose. Did you know it takes more muscles to frown than to smile? How many body parts and muscles are invovled in taking just one step? Many! Glad to be there when you need it, and I take GREAT refuge in knowing you got my back, too! Like Jonathan and his armor bearer, back-to-back against the Philistines!

    I also agree with your comment – what a magnificent “reunion of joy we will see” when we will certainly meet when our Lord returns!

  14. cycleguy says:

    Steve: Heidi and I are going to call the whaaaaambulance on you if you keep it up. Hey everyone!!! Steve gets the award for being the first one to comment on my blog this morning. There…now you can pay me. 🙂

  15. cycleguy says:

    Heidi: OSU’s band is good from what I remember. Old age has caused me to forget some things. Glad to keep praying for you but don’t stop being yourself. I would have to wonder where you went.

  16. cycleguy says:

    Will: thanks. I am humbled by the thought. Yep, got your back. Will meet you either here or in the air. I suspect there will be some celebrating and dancing (oops is that allowed?) when we meet. Cool!

  17. If David “danced before the Lord with all his might” then I don’t see why not! Very cool!

  18. cycleguy says:

    For the first time ever I will be able to dance! Wonder if there will be lessons first or the “stars” will be there?

  19. This blogging buddy hasn’t been blogging much lately, but I still appreciate all of you a LOT!

  20. cycleguy says:

    Thanks for taking the time to stop by Bernard. Hope you are doing okay.