
Written by cycleguy on October 1st, 2014

Over the 40+ years I have been a pastor, I have seen a lot of new ideas introduced. In the wedding ceremony I have gone from the very traditional to the very different. Where most people used to use candles during their ceremony to illustrate their commitment to each other, the most recent has been using what is called a Sand Ceremony. But this weekend I am taking part in something I have never done before.

I am taking part in a Tree Ceremony.

Now…don’t get your undies all in a bunch thinking I am blessing trees (Sierra Club would love me in spite of my “pastor tag”).  The young couple were married a few weeks ago in Vegas and are having their reception this coming Saturday at her father’s house. They both come from broken homes and have in mind to “break the cycle.” The idea of the Tree Ceremony is much the same as the candles or the sand.

There is something more. A person may admire a tree’s color, leaves, fruit, shape, and size, but all of those are determined by its root system. The taller and thicker a tree gets the more essential it is that the roots go deeper and spread out wider. Very seldom though does anyone look at the roots. But there is no doubt how important they are.

I think it is easy to see the relationship to marriage. This couple wants to break the cycle. They will be having a tree in a pot. At the ceremony each parent will put dirt into the pot and then the couple will do the same. They will then take the tree and plant it on their own property. While it is true their parents’ marriages fell apart, it does not mean theirs will. Just as roots get intertwined with each other, so their lives will be as well-heart, soul, and mind.

That is a real positive. You can add to the positive by praying for David and Jannette.

Have you ever heard of this? What are some new ideas you have seen lately?


16 Comments so far ↓

  1. Daniel says:

    I am not an expert on the latest trends, but the young will do what the young will do … and that is O.K. sometimes.

  2. I haven’t heard, but I don’t frequent weddings very often.

  3. Zee says:

    Wow, that’s a great idea! I love it.

    We had a candle – found one in our color. Our moms lit the small candles and then Sam and I lit the big one together.

    Perhaps one day we might plant a tree – but first we need some place to plant it 🙂 We have a summer house, but this year we couldn’t even go there for various reasons. Oh well. One day.

    • cycleguy says:

      I like the idea of you and Sam doing the tree and planting one. You will to watch it grow and maybe your kids will get to play in it. 🙂

  4. Kari Scare says:

    Nature definitely gives us some amazing connections to our Creator, so I really like what they are doing with the tree. I’ve read a lot about the giant redwoods, and it’s so interesting how their survival and strength can teach us about our own. For an example, read this: http://www.struggletovictory.com/?s=redwoods.

  5. Betty Draper says:

    Great idea, Jesus died on a tree and His roots goes back to eternity and reaches to eternity.

  6. Wow.

    Talk about deep significance.

    Bless this couple as they put down their roots together in Christ. And bless you for uniting them and sending them forth with hope that their lives can be distinctly different than those before them.

    • cycleguy says:

      I am honored they asked me to a part of this. The bride used to come several years ago but then moved away. They have moved back here so it will be cool to have a hand in their growth.

  7. Love the idea and what it conveys. Awesome that this couple is thinking about it and making a statement from the get-go. Blessings to them (and you, Bill)! Thanks. 🙂

  8. Eileen says:

    Very interesting! Never heard of this before. Love the symbolism.