
Written by cycleguy on October 13th, 2014

A much needed break.

A surprise visit.

A chance to see my soon-to-be-eight year old grandson.

That was my weekend. It was a last minute thing in a way. Jo and Tami had planned to go. Jo then decided to ask me to go. I had already been thinking about it, but had moved on as though it wouldn’t happen. I had just finished a whole sermon that day. (When the inspiration hits you don’t stop). 🙂 Long story short: Ryan agreed to preach. I was able to get away.

It was much needed. A nice break from the routine.

A surprise visit since neither Janna nor Braden knew I was coming. I like surprises.

A chance to spend some time with my grandson. The old saying is still true: “if I had known grandchildren were this much fun I would have had them first.” We went out to Texas Roadhouse to eat. While the lady folk went grocery shopping (he was thrilled with that prospect), we stayed home and watched Transformers- Age of Extinction. After that we played a new card game he got: Crazy 8’s. Then we played a bunch of games of Connect Four. Then came the coup de grace. I had received a NERF gun from Ryan and his crew so I bought the same one for Braden. We spent about an hour running all over and shooting each other. The cocking mechanism was a little tough for him but he is determined enough to learn how to do it himself.

Sunday morning we attended Janna & Braden’s church, NewStart Community in Powell.  Heard a good message. Some great music. Had a chance to say thanks to some people for their love for two special people in my life. After lunch at Chipotle, we headed home.

It was good to be home, but it was also good to visit and get away. I hope you have those times when you can get away and relax.

I hope you took the time over the weekend to pray for those I asked. I’d like to ask you to pray for Tami’s safe drive home tomorrow.  Not much in the way of an “enriching” post today, but time is short (as it always is after getting away). Hope your day and your week are tremendous.


13 Comments so far ↓

  1. Daniel says:

    Crazy 8’s was the first game that my daughter played with me where she could regularly beat me. I don’t remember how old she was, but it was probably around 5 or 6. I remember watching in amazement as she learned strategy and my tendencies and used them to her advantage. Oh boy did we play that game often and loved our time together playing it.

  2. grandchildren are life giving, soul enriching, perspective altering.

    exhausting, yes.

    but you can always take a nap later.

  3. Zee says:

    Crazy 8))) Loved that game 😀

    Rest is good. I had a really stressful strategy planning meeting on Friday (which ended up with our head announcing that he’s been fired and his team, me included, were trying to find out what on earth are we going to do), and then on Sunday morning Sam and I discovered that the church we rented a place for service from has moved on Saturday instead of this Wednesday, so we came to empty apartment with bare walls.

    However, between those tough times, we have met with our moms (my mom-in-law was in Kyiv this weekend) and shared meals a couple of times. And it was great. So I know what you’re talking about.

  4. TC Avey says:

    It is nice to get away. We all need times to refresh ourselves and get out of our normal routine.

  5. Kari Scare says:

    My husband and I often tell each other “create memories,” and that’s what you did with your grandson. Good for you!

  6. Ceil says:

    Hi Bill! I just got back from a long weekend at my daughter’s. I spent a few days with the family, and then my daughter and I got away for a few days. It was heavenly. Great to see my grands and great to spend time with my daughter.
    It was needed. And I am on Facebook and Twitter. Everything lay in dust for five days. I’m so glad I did it. And I’m glad you did it too!
    PS My little ones are too young for cards. We played “Going on a picnic” a LOT!

    • cycleguy says:

      Sounds like your weekend was a bit like mine…only more busy with more grandchildren. 🙂 Glad you had time to get away and disconnect.

  7. Dan Black says:

    It’s wise (and Biblical) to take regular time off work to relax. I’m going to Florida on vacation next week and can’t wait!!! It’s going to be a much needed break.