
Written by cycleguy on October 16th, 2014

I could wager (and win) that everyone of us knows there are times when irritations get the best of us. Go ahead. Make that list and see how easy it comes together. ๐Ÿ™‚

Traffic jams. No turn signals. Talkative people (who won’t shut up). Long lines. Long checkout lines with only 2 or 3 cashiers working. Tight clothes (on you because they don’t fit anymore). Nosy people. People who talk baby talk. Incompetence.

I read a seriously funny statement: “I am planning to have a nervous breakdown. I have earned it…I deserve it…I have worked hard for it…and nobody’s going to keep me from having it!”

But in all seriousness, who of us hasn’t experienced interruptions and seemingly long periods of waiting for an answer? To prayers? To a life changing event? For something to go right?

Waiting for God to answer a prayer is often one of the most frustrating things of all. We don’t understand what is holding Him back. Irritation sets in. Impatience. Sometimes anger. Sometimes distrust.

Worse is when we seem to be oooh so close and it seems to get derailed. Sort of like Mark 5. Jairus comes to Jesus seeking help for his daughter who is sick. On the way to Jairus’ house, Jesus is interrupted by a woman who has had a blood disorder for 12 years. She has been to every doctor and is broke. One touch of Jesus’ garment brings healing. In the meantime, Jairus waits. Then the word comes: “Your daughter is dead.” But Jesus is not done yet. Long story short, Jesus brings her back to life.

While waiting is not ideal, sometimes waiting is a necessity. We can pray but we will not always have the answer immediately. We have God’s promise of fulfillment but His answer is not always when we want it.

So…here it is: don’t give up. Don’t quit praying. Don’t stop asking. Stay on your knees before God. Stay in the Word and remember the God you serve isn’t surprised one iota by anything which pops up. He is big enough and capable enough to help you through whatever it may be. Sometimes the best things come to those who wait.

I’d appreciate those prayers being said this weekend. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks.


22 Comments so far ↓

  1. the Old Adam says:

    What really irritates me is when Christians call upon God for things that they are free to chooseโ€ฆwhat job to take, who to marry, where to live, what color socks to put onโ€ฆetc.

    And where Christians are NOT free to choose, they think they have freedom to do so.

    So many Christians have it exactly bass ackwards.

  2. Betty Draper says:

    Hummm…”waiting”, not my favorite thing to do but know there is profound lessons in it for me. I love the excitement of waiting on good things, like getting to see my kids after a couple of years. Sometimes the best things come to those who wait. Like this quote…

  3. Daniel says:

    I will be praying for you in my devotionals tomorrow morning. Until then, you will just have to wait (smiles).

  4. Yeah, I’m not patient.

  5. I’ll admit it. I’m impatient. Lord, help my unbelief, calm my doubts and fears …

  6. Kari Scare says:

    Read somewhere recently, I think by Oswald Chambers, that said something about waiting being the ultimate faith builder. It said waiting was God trusting us to trust Him when we couldn’t hear or see Him. I’m sure I’m messing it up, but you get the gist. Also, I love the lesson we can get from how Jesus handled “interruptions.” See, I don’t think He saw the as such. Everything He did drove toward is singular purpose, to seek and to save the lost. What the disciples, as we, see as interruptions really simply fit in line with His purpose.

  7. Pam says:

    Love your last paragraph. It says it all! Thanks, Bill! ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Arny Sanchez says:

    “Stay on your knees before God.”
    when knees become callous… you are close. don’t get up. as much as it hurts.

    Great thought today Bill…
    Good to read your words again.
    God Bless.

  9. Allen says:

    I think it was the scholar Thomas Petty who once said, “The waiting is the hardest part. Every day you see one more card. You take it on faith, you take it to the heart. The waiting is the hardest part”

  10. Ceil says:

    Hi Bill! I have never put together that Jarius was waiting while Jesus dealt with the healing of the woman. Wow! What a great insight!! I love it.

    Even though he had to wait and deal with the sorrow of the news of the death of his child, it was still going to be ok. That’s good news for me. I may have to wait, but it’s going to be okay for me too.

    I really liked this post, I learned something new ๐Ÿ™‚

    • cycleguy says:

      Hi Ceil! Thanks for taking the time read and comment. Makes an old preacher’s heart feel good when someone says they learned something new. ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Yeah, I have yet to meet someone who likes to wait. But I’m thankful that God gives us those times and then shows us why we need them. He’s at work even when we’re at our most frustrated.

  12. TC Avey says:

    Amen and well said!