
Written by cycleguy on February 1st, 2015

My Predictions:

Bunches will watch the Super Bowl.

Bunches will not.

Bunches will care who wins.

Bunches will not.

Bunches will eat an ungodly amount of food.

Bunches will not.

Bunches will get heartburn due the previous comment.

Bunches will not.

My prediction (it is early in the morning) who will win? Either the Seahawks or Patriots. Like I said, bunches will not care who wins. Bet you can’t guess which camp I fit in!! 🙂

We had another one of those “Winter Storm Scares” is what I call them. The weather people began predicting on late Thursday we would see somewhere between 3-6″ of snow. We have a plan in place to let people know if we have to cancel or are going to just one service. I said, “Let’s wait until 8:00 Saturday before we make any moves.” Sure enough. By Saturday morning the “scare” was removed and we should be getting some rain.

To quote from my favorite movie: “Since when can the weatherman predict the weather?”

I, for one, am glad the prediction was wrong. I don’t relish shoveling all that snow (although my Frontier 4X4 is fun in the snow). 😛

Here is my prediction for this week: Love and serve one another and watch your world change around you. “By this will all men know we are His disciples if we love one another.” You can’t go wrong loving and serving Him. Have a fantastic week!!

Did you watch the SB? Did your prediction turn out accurate? Do you even care?


26 Comments so far ↓

  1. I’m with you, Bill. Enough already about the weather and the Super Bowl. And this week’s latest celebrity drama. And and and …

    Let’s go out into our world and love well. The fields are white and ready for harvest.

  2. I’m currently watching.

  3. Daniel says:

    Your prediction is a good one. I will try my best to affect change in my world this week.

  4. Kari Scare says:

    Watched the Superbowl. Disappointed for several reasons & most are not the actual playing of the game. Predictions? Wasn’t sure either way. As for weather,I know you didn’t ask, but the predictions on our end were accurate: snowed for over 24 hours straight & got over a foot of snow. The wind today should do wonders for it.

  5. Sharon says:

    I didn’t particularly care who won the Super Bowl – for my man Aaron Rodgers wasn’t playing. But, I was rooting for the Seahawks, just because I also like Russell Wilson and his witness for the Lord. Anyway, I will never understand that last play call! But at least the game was exciting.

    And yes, Bill!! Let’s go out and love the world well this week. Ready, set, break…

    • cycleguy says:

      I have to admit rooting for baseball players who have a faith they speak about and act upon. but didn’t watch a minute of SB. I’ll go along with your last thought. Let’s…

  6. cycleguy says:

    From Pam via email: Yes, we watch the Super Bowl. But I do think America has their priorities all wrong. Was watching Fox news this morning. They were talking about ISIS And they broke away from that discussion, to show Punxsutawney Phil, the groundhog, looking for his shadow. MEN standing around with tophats and suits, waking a groundhog from his sleep, going to see if he could see shadow. They saw theirs, so I’m sure he saw his.
    So foolish

    • cycleguy says:

      You are totally right about messed up priorities. I will NEVER understand the fascination with a rodent seeing his shadow and the big to-do about it. I’ll stand outside, see mine, and they can pay me if they want. 🙂

  7. Jon Stolpe says:

    I did predict the Pats would win, but I don’t really care. I’m a Philly Eagles and Chicago Bears guy when it comes to pro football.

  8. Nope, didn’t watch it. Actually, we don’t have cable television any more and I really don’t miss it in the least. 🙂
    I do like your last prediction, Bill!

  9. Deb Wolf says:

    We watched, but mostly for the ads. Your prediction for the week is great. “Love and serve . . . and watch your world change.” That’s a prediction that’s exciting!

  10. Betty Draper says:

    Nope, could care less who won. Care greatly about loving like Christ, bringing others to Him.

  11. I normally look forward to it, but juggling three kids this year made it a little hard to see much of the game. I ended up just going home at halftime and crashing – lame, I know.