
Written by cycleguy on February 9th, 2015

Have you ever had that “feeling” where you sense God is trying to get your attention? Not in a bad way. Like He was drawing you to Himself? Let me explain:

Back in August of 1999 I felt God drawing me to worship. I had never had that stirring before. I was visiting another church Sunday evenings, learning to worship with a freedom I had never experienced before. It was like this big magnet was pulling me to Him. From August through December the church I pastored grew like it never had before. But within 3 months of the new year I was out of a job-beginning in June. I still believe God was preparing me for that valley.

I say this carefully: I “sense” God calling me to that place again. Not that I expect something bad to happen. It may. It may not. It may be Him simply saying, “I want you near Me. I want your affections. I want your total love. I want to be your all.” That is why yesterday’s post and song was so important to me.

Recently my listening has been with other “forms” of music. Not that they are wrong. Certainly not vulgar stuff. 60s (Tommy James and Frankie Valli) and modern rock (Stryper, Disciple, and others). But I am sensing a calling away from that for a time. So I went out and bought some worship music (Chris Tomlin) and Martin Smith (formerly of Delirious?). It is from the latter I heard this song for the first time this past Saturday and it totally rocked my world!

Have you ever had that sense something was “up”- that God was drawing you to Himself?


45 Comments so far ↓

  1. jeff says:

    No. I have never had that feeling. I hope I never do.

    • cycleguy says:

      I’m sorry to hear that. it makes me sad.

      • Jeff says:

        If he wants to get in touch with me I have e-mail, snail mail, telephone, or can be available for a visit. Until then I will not let my imagination invent feelings of interacting with my day to day. Nothing to be sad about.

    • David says:

      Well, Jeff, I hope you do get that feeling. Because if you do, in that moment you will know that He has been there all along …

      • cycleguy says:

        Agreed on that David.

        • Jeff says:

          I don’t expect I will get that feeling. But I want you to know I like you all too. I sincerely hope you get to where you hope to get to. I wouldn’t want to trade places with a religious person and I know a lot of very good ones. People I respect. It’s just not my cup of tea.

  2. Daniel says:

    This may seem odd, but the times where I can distinctly remember a strong pull that I attributed to God were about what I felt were relatively minor things. Part of me wanted to chide myself for thinking that God was up to something, but part of me just tried to make sure that I didn’t miss the moment.

  3. ThaT’s cool. I’ve Listened and I’ve ignored. Not good to ignore.

  4. the Old Adam says:

    Every time I hear the Word preached and that I receive His Supper.

  5. Kari Scare says:

    Yes, I have. Actually, he’s always drawing me to himself. I just am not always focused on him and don’t always notice. The drawing comes sometimes in a variety of ways too. Lots of stories on this topic.

  6. David says:

    Bill, I’ve shared here before that I have been in dry season, actually for quite some time now. It has been a long time since I’ve felt “drawn” but I have experienced that sense. It’s wonderful. The ‘irony” of this dry season is though I haven’t felt drawn for some time, neither have I felt abandoned and I feel as though my trust in Him has grown …

    • cycleguy says:

      That is a fantastic testimony to God’s faithfulness David. I love that your trust has grown, even in the dry season. As you told Jeff: He was there all along. 🙂

  7. Ben Nelson says:

    Wonderful song from Martin Smith. I’ve had the privilege a couple times to be in worship gatherings where he was leading worship. His ability to follow the Lord in such circumstances is just wonderful.

    I am most uncomfortable in my walk with the Lord when I am not feeling drawn. That’s when I check what I’m doing and back off a few steps to see how I got my self out of “ear shot” as my mom would say.

    Thanks for sharing this song and opening up our walk to us.


    • cycleguy says:

      My only exposure is YouTube. That had to have been one fantastic time of worship Ben. You’re welcome about the song. Thanks for coming by.

  8. Hmmm… I don’t recall ever having an experience quite like that. I think God has often brought me to himself, but it’s normally through periods of sanctification and repenting of sins. I have had seasons, though, where I felt led to study specific issues in depth. Perhaps that’s somewhat similar.

  9. When God called upon me to begin writing a devotional blog, I literally heard Him speaking. That’s an experience I’ll never forget!
    However, there have been times when I’ve walked through those valleys wondering why and why now? Yet always, when I emerge on the other side, I discover my faith is strengthened and I feel closer to God than I did before.
    Blessings, Bill!

  10. Dan Erickson says:

    As a musician and songwriter I go through phases: from hard rock to ballad, from secular to praise. Currently, I’m working on a project roughly based on the Book of Leviticus, metaphorically. There are 11 songs. The musical style is all electronic/techno-pop, all dome on my iPod Garage Band. (Very different from my nor.) I’ll be working on vocals soon and hope to have the songs out by summer. Some songs may push the envelope a bit. I’m trying to make people think but hope I’m not too offensive to some.

  11. Pam says:

    Oh yes, I have definitely had that feeling. It evokes excitement seasoned with a healthy dose of fear.

    • cycleguy says:

      Well said Pam. That healthy dose of fear is two-fold for me. One, I don’t want to miss what God is saying. And two, I don’t want to misrepresent what He is saying.

  12. Bill, I do know what you are talking about. I have had these feelings before. I have not obeyed a couple of times and felt deep remorse after. Other times I have as He called in very different ways to do very different things. I can honestly say it is a feeling (for me) of, “Oh please God, don’t do this again.” And, “Oh, I am humbled and honored.” All mixed in together. In church a couple weeks ago I had this feeling come over me to pray for the couple several rows in front of us. I felt so heavy, like I’ve never felt before and started to sob. I remember thinking please God don’t ask me to go and pray with them. It is not my strength and I didn’t know them. My husband couldn’t figure out what was going on so he just held my hand as I prayed. We never sit in that area, but were late that day. Maybe this was why.

    • cycleguy says:

      I have no doubt that was why you sat in that section Kim. I also have no doubt that someday you may know why you prayed for them. God may either let you know or those folks may be talking some day and it will dawn on you about praying. Glad you listened and glad your husband was there holding your hand.

  13. I definitely have, Bill. Had one of those times this past fall. Wouldn’t trade it for anything! Great song.

  14. For sure. You know something’s up, something’s gonna happen. I think He often prepares us so the change doesn’t hit us in the side of the head and leave us clueless.

    Yes, something’s gonna happen.

    This I know.

    And it is well with my soul.

    • cycleguy says:

      i wrote that in my Moleskine journal just yesterday Linda. I know something is coming but, of course, have no clue what it is. But I do agree He does this so we are not broadsided. And it is well. 🙂

  15. Zee says:

    Yep. These days as I take Intro to Theology.

    I have always loved learning and right now, taking this class, there is such power in learning the basics of what we believe and why we believe what we do… It is my problem – I tend to overthink stuff and forget the basics. Like the idea of God loving me no matter what, just because He made me (and He made me to love me…)…

  16. Karen says:

    September, 2010. What I “heard” from God was, “I’m trying to reach you but you must slow down, be quiet and listen”. So I planned a personal retreat. I didn’t learn any great specific thing but a lot of small stuff that was important. Oddly, 2 weeks later I received some bad news about my health. That little retreat, I believe, was preparation for the changes I was about to face. AND I have learned to ‘be still and know that He is God’.

  17. Gingi says:

    Yes, I’ve felt Gods nudging hand in my life, and only in hindsight did it all make sense… great blog post!

    Anyhoo, I found your blog through a fellow blogger, and just thought I’d drop by and say hi! It would totally make my day if you did the same – or better yet! – keep in touch! <3 –

  18. floyd says:

    I have, but honestly it’s usually Him I feel teaching and calling from out of the missteps I’ve taken yet again…

  19. Mike says:

    Hey Bill! I feel a stronger tug every year or two. I think maybe each time I become a little more selfless and a little less selfish I hear Him more clearly. As I get older I think I gain more clarity and divest myself more and more of the things that really don’t matter in life. Things like me, my and mind.

  20. Definitely have felt that drawing many times in my life. What sometimes bothers me though is I know it’s happening a lot more frequently than I give in. Still, He is gracious and loving and persistent. How good is our God? Thanks Bill.