
Written by cycleguy on February 25th, 2015

Earlier this week I went with 5 other guys from the church to Catalyst OneDay. I wrote about that here.  I’m a still a little shell-shocked from the traveling, two late nights (for me), and a whole day of learning. Wednesday I spent some time in court (no I’m not in jail) so that always brings a certain amount of “nerves” and then release.

So I’m a little fried. I thought I would let others speak for me.

“The longer a church is stalled, the harder it is to break out.” CG  That sure says why some churches trapped in tradition for so long are often “dead in the water.”

“If you are not dead, you are not done!” CG  So true. How many give up without a fight thinking they are over the hill? Even though my age says 62 and I certainly don’t have the stamina I used to, I feel more alive than I ever have.

“We are not a megachurch. We are a microchurch with a mega vision.” CG  I like this one. A big vision helps expand the thinking of the church, and therefore expands the ministry of that church.

“Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.” David in Psalm 127:1 I am not one who calls the place of worship the house of God. I believe the Holy Spirit is present in each Christ-follower, making us His temple-His house. The church is the body of Christ, not a building. Unless He builds the church, we waste our time.

Any thoughts?

CG is Craig Groeschel from Lifechurch.


13 Comments so far ↓

  1. Daniel says:

    I like the quote about the mega-church. Sometimes pastors of smaller churches get so discouraged that their church isn’t more vibrant and full. This thinking can be dangerous in some ways because it overlooks and diminishes the people that are present.

  2. I like that microvision/mega vision quote.

  3. “If you’re not dead, you’re not done!”
    Love this! I’m turning 60 in a couple of days and like you, Bill, I don’t have the energy I had at 50, but I do feel more alive and alert than ever. Thanks be to God!

  4. Zee says:

    Good one with the microchurch – often there is a pressure that churches have to be filled with thousands of people to be good.

    From recent quotes that I’ve read, I liked Henri Nouwen’s one from “In the Name of Jesus”:

    “The way of the Christian leader is not the way of upward mobility in which our world has invested so much, but the way of downward mobility ending on the cross.”

    Not an easy one, but a good one.

    • cycleguy says:

      I love that quote by Nouwen. First time I have heard it. Thanks for sharing it Zee.

      • Zee says:

        It is a really good book – you’d enjoy it. (Well, if you are okay with reading books that have a somewhat 2×4 effect)…

        The fun part was that Sam’s pastor gave this book to me as a birthday present, I’ve read it in three days (it’s tiny but powerful), and then on the fourth day I found out this very book is one of the reading assignments for the Theology class.

  5. Bill, for so many years I was all about “building the church” and became so frustrated with the lack of results. Even today, it’s hard not to be discouraged about declining numbers. It helps me to think about equipping the believers to reach the unchurched and for their own walk, rather than growing the church per se. I wonder if the age of the mega church is over? What do you think?

    • cycleguy says:

      i would agree it is frustrating Melanie. If we are all about “building the church” i think we need to go back and check our priorities anyway. Jesus never said “build my church to megachurch size, nor did he ever say “build my church.” he would build His church but we are to focus on those outside of Jesus. Are the days over? Not really sure how to answer that for sure. In some cases, yes. More and more are going multi-site so it depends on whether you consider that a megachurch. More are wanting a more personal experience which don’t often come from a megachurch experience. I think the next two or three years will tell.

  6. Great quotes, Bill! Something to chew on. Glad your trip was a good one (even if it was tiring). Thanks so much.