
Written by cycleguy on March 9th, 2015

Back in November of 2013, before many of you knew I existed, I had surgery for a meniscus tear in my right knee. Basketball in my younger years. Aged joints in my older years finally took their toll. I was told then I had some developing arthritis and it would only get worse (“arthur” doesn’t get better). I was perking along find until half way through last summer when my knee started giving me a lot of pain when I walked. But never when I rode my bike. 🙂 The pain would come and go but finally the pain and swelling this winter led me to the doc’s office again. After x-rays he came in without hesitation and said, “It’s that bowed leg.” Arthur has set up shop behind my kneecap and short of a new knee (which he said was in my future sometime) or surgery to correct (what I call) “parenthesis for legs,” I needed a brace.

I got the brace today. Think something you would see a football player wear. This monster is designed to push from the outside and open up the inside part of my knee, allowing free movement without bone rubbing on bone. If it does the trick, I have bought me some “original knee time.” Possibly 5 years or more. I’m going to make it work! 🙂

This morning I was reading in Philippians 1: 27. I am intrigued by that phrase “I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind, striving side by side.” It brings to mind the scene in Gladiator where Maximus is fighting back-to-back with his other general. (Go to 2:12) They had each others’ backs. They supported each other. They stood side by side, standing firm together.

Allow me please: they were each others’ brace. Just as I am in need of a brace to hopefully give my original more longevity, we are in need of others (especially if we are followers of Christ) to have our back.

Do you have someone who is your “go to” person? Any thoughts?


19 Comments so far ↓

  1. Daniel says:

    Man, I have not had a go to person for more than a decade. The last 10 years have been a pretty miserable ride all by myself. I think I am reaching the point of unresolvable bitterness, or maybe I have been there already for some time. I am hoping that soon I will look back with inescapable glee and wonder what I was doing wallowing for so long.

    • cycleguy says:

      i say with all sincerity Daniel. We would have our differences I’m sure, but if I lived near you, i would want to be your friend. I like your honesty and have this sneaking suspicion you would be a friend worth counting on. I do hope you find a release from the bitterness.

  2. I have to say it’s Jan. She keeps me “braced.”

  3. Steve says:

    Erin & I have go to soul friends, covenant friends. It is another married couple from a past local church we were a part of. We know each others’ strengths and flaws, sins, and tendencies to sin. We have truly “worked out our salvation” with each other. It is so rare. It’s sad that it’s rare. because I know this inter-dependency is God design, his intention.

    By the way, to Daniel, I have been there on unresolved bitterness. Tried and tried to forgive someone, but just couldn’t do it. Finally revelation came. Ephesians 6 is not just the armor of God. It’s the armor of God AND prayer. I realized I couldn’t forgive them in my own strength/will-power. I asked God to “empower me to forgive ______.” When wounds are deep, only He provides the strength to forgive. Ask Him. He’ll provide it.

    • cycleguy says:

      Glad to hear you and Erin have those kinds of friends Steve. It happens over time and you four have obviously allowed time to work. My prayer for Daniel also.

  4. Pam says:

    Such an important concept, Bill. We can’t be the Lone Ranger. We all need a Tonto, the support of other believers. Praying your brace really helps!

  5. My husband, Danny, is my brace – always! And I know I am his, too.
    Blessings, Bill, and may that new brace do the trick on your knee!

  6. Deb Wolf says:

    I so thankful Rev has my back, and I have his. 43 years tomorrow. I have to admit I have some trust issues when it comes to others. I’ve been praying for God’s direction when it comes to friends and trust. Thanks for this great encouragement and I hope this brace relieves your knee pain.

    • cycleguy says:

      Congrats on the 43 years Deb! We hit 42 this June. Time flies when you’re having fun! 🙂 Glad you have each others’ backs.

  7. Kari Scare says:

    Definitely my husband. My oldest son is becoming more of a brace as he matures and our relationship changes with that maturity. We definitely need “brace” people in our lives, but I think it’s a mistake to rely solely on one person. I could easily do that with my husband, but it’s not fair to expect him to always be the brace I need in every area. We need multiple braces, just like our bodies need different ones for different parts. Just think what it would be like to try and use your knee brace to help a bum elbow.

    • cycleguy says:

      You make a wise point kari. it is not fair to leave it on one person, especially a spouse. Listening to things constantly can wear a person out and even cause a rift. Yeah, the knee brace would definitely not work.

  8. I have a couple of go-to people, my wife being one of them. There are so many others who encourage and support me with or without knowing they are doing so. Makes me thankful to know this grace of God in my life and have a community and family that sticks with you no matter what. Thanks Bill.

  9. floyd says:

    I have a friend that I’ve been doing a Bible study with for the last year or so. He’s a good guy and I see a strong bond in the future. I’ve got a few long distant “go to” people as well… but one of them now wears a knee brace and can’t jump like he used to…

  10. Jeff says:

    If I take one Baptist fishing he drinks a lot of my beer. If I take two Baptists fishing neither one has a beer. Is that what you are talking about?