
Written by cycleguy on April 28th, 2015


I’m bad.

I’m good.

I’m sorta bad.

I’m sorta good.

I’m sometimes really bad.

I’m sometimes really good.

So what’s wrong with me?  Be careful now what you say! I’ll have to send Captain America (my alter ego) to straighten you up. 🙂

Seriously. I’m all the above. When it comes to labeling people, I’m all the above. There are times I’m really bad. There are times I am sorta bad (which is a nice way of saying I am tame). There are also times I am really good.

I labeled someone the other day. Jo called me on it. No need to say what it was about…just that it was not good. Seems like no matter how hard I try I give in. Then there are those times when I “slyly describe” someone. I don’t come right out and say it, but the inference is there.

And there are those times I win, keep my mouth shut, and thank God for that person being made in God’s image. I smile when that happens.

Bobby put it well: “We need to accept people whether they agree with us or not,  but not leave them there….We must stop labeling people and start loving them.” (p.178)

I’m thinking this is fantastic advice to practice! Whether it be because they are a “jerk;” a “Loser” (made with thumb and forefinger to forehead); a “f*g” (a despicable term); or some other label/despicable term, we need to stop!! I need to make the “sometimes” and “sorta” disappear from my vocabulary.

Let’s start a revolution by stopping labeling people. People are in different places spiritually. They are in different places socially. They are in different places mentally. Why not accept them-without all the labels-as who they are: unique creations of God? Here is a novel idea: let’s start extending grace…the very thing we are need of on a daily basis. 


24 Comments so far ↓

  1. Lisa notes says:

    Wow–I was just having this same conversation (online) with some people today. We all agreed that labeling is bad. (But I did have to wonder…do I mind being labeled if it’s something good? ha) Love your novel idea: let’s just extend grace instead! Love this post, Bill.

  2. Quit preaching to me!!!

  3. Jeff says:

    I have disliked labeling people and disliked people that do label people ever since I can remember. Maybe that is why I am not particularly fond of people that label themselves as Christian. They always seem to be the ones labeling people.

    • cycleguy says:

      I dislike it also Jeff but do find myself guilty of doing so. Sad I know. i will admit Christians do label but I suspect we are not alone.

  4. floyd says:

    Amen, Bill. We’re all guilty and weak in our own ways… that seems a little easier to accept than other’s weaknesses that are different than ours… May our hearts be changed followed by our actions.

  5. Daniel says:

    I am definitely a “labeler” and even when I try to keep myself in control, the labels keep a-flyin’. It is so frustrating and victories come so few and far between.

  6. Betty Draper says:

    Great reminder Bill. I tend to use the word, “always” too much, such as, they have always been that way. it helps me to remember how people labeled me growing up as someone who would come to no good because of my home life. Which is what make the Savior so inviting, He labeled me “loved”. God help us to think, talk and act like one who is loved by the Creator of the Universe.

    • cycleguy says:

      That is one of the words that pretty much needs to be eliminated from our vocabulary. Oh, there is hardly another name to be known by: “Loved.”

  7. Such great advice that we all need.

  8. Hi Bill,

    I had fun catching up on the last few posts here, reading about your ruminating on the mission and vision statements, what prompted the change, and your humility and wrestling to do so. Our church has revamped and prayed through its new mission and vision statements too. Glad you and your youth pastor can work together so humbly and God-honoringly to do so.

    Have a great week,
    Jennifer Dougan

  9. Ceil says:

    Hi Bill! I was struck by the passage from the book about labeling, and not ‘leaving them there’. I guess that’s truly what labeling does. It leaves them there. No possible way to change my mind, or for them to change either. Kind of hopeless…

    I just have to pray that I will follow Christ on this point, and love everyone where they are, as you wrote so well. We are all different (thank God!) and sometimes, that’s a thing to be celebrated, not stuffed into a corner.

  10. Jacci says:

    This is hard, but oh so true :).

  11. Oh, that’s such a struggle at times – I think labeling is such a part of our human nature, but the cycle has to be broken if we are to grow into God’s will for us. I like the idea of loving, not labeling, and will do my best to cultivate that spirit with God’s help.
    Blessings, Bill!

  12. It’s hard not to label people for sure. To honor others for who God made them to be and not what I think they should be–that’s my heart. Like you, not perfect in it, but leaning on grace to see as He sees. Thanks Bill.