
Written by cycleguy on August 27th, 2015


Have you ever wondered what we did without the internet? Google and Wikipedia specifically. Whenever I thought of this word “gentle” I had a weird thought go through my mind. Are you ready for this” GENTLE BEN. Remember him? If you are old enough you remember him as a bear on TV and in the movies. Check out Wikipedia for more complete information. Gentle or no gentle…there simply ain’t no way I’m making friends with a bear!! Or a whale. Or a lion. Or (fill in the blank of any other wild animal). 🙂

The fruit of the Spirit I’ll be preaching on this week is Gentleness. I’m calling it “The Unasked For Fruit.” Why? Because nobody wants to be known as gentle. Ask Rhonda Rousey to take on the nickname “Gentle Rhonda.” Ask Chuck Norris to do the same. See what I mean?

In actuality, the word for gentle is also the word meekness. Yeah, that doesn’t help much either. But meekness is a really cool word. It means “power under control.” It was used of a horse whose body was so powerful and yet could be controlled and even tamed. Sort of like this movie.

Meekness does not mean weakness. In fact, a meek person is actually pretty strong. My next post will share with you some of what I learned and will present this Sunday. Thanks for your prayers.


8 Comments so far ↓

  1. Daniel says:

    I will be praying for you in my devotionals tomorrow morning. As you noted, we have some very different senses of words today compared with how they were used in the way back. Describing someone as meek kind of is a label that they are a wuss, i.e. that they let other walk all over them and they won’t stand up for themselves.

  2. floyd says:

    I do remember Gentle Ben. Even as a kid I knew better than to trust a wild animal.

    I like that God considered Moses to be the meekest man on earth. The meek man that had the miraculous power of God at his hand, staff, and even radiant face for a time. The man God used to decimate a portion of a nation because the king refused to let His people go. That kind of meekness rattles me right to the core.

    I struggle to be gentle. I believe it’s only God in us that allows us to be compassionate first then His power can be used through us.

    Praying for you, Bill.

  3. Debbie says:

    What a wonderful subject to present, here and on Sunday! I’m looking forward to reading and learning more. I read once that meekness was the ability to suffer injustice without bitterness or resentment. And I’m thinking about how the meek shall inherit the earth. :). God bless!

  4. Ike says:

    Probably the least admired character quality in America is meekness…and yet the greatest Person who ever lived was a meek and humble man—“learn from Me…for I am gentle [meek] and humble in heart” (Matthew 11:29). BTW….Gentleness always uses its resources appropriately….unlike the out-of-control emotions that so often are destructive and have no place in our lives as believers.

  5. Betty Draper says:

    I remember Gentle Ben also and I am with you on bears are not gentle as well as most wild animals.

    I have seen this gentleness in my husband often. Sad to say I don’t see it in me as often. Gentle people are some of the toughest people I know. Glad I am married to one, he balances me out.
    Prayed for your message already brother.

  6. I remember reruns of Gentle Ben. And I wonder if we don’t have more true gentleness because we don’t really value it?

  7. Gingi says:

    I was born into the internet age, so it’s hard for me to fathom a time without it…. –

  8. Ceil says:

    Hi Bill! Yes, I remember Gentle Ben!

    I’ve never heard gentleness/meekness defined this way, and it really helps me to frame it. I agree that ‘meekness’ resounds with ‘weakness’. But power under control? Now that’s something I can sink my teeth into!

    I pray your worshippers will get this message, and pray for meekness in all things.