Written by cycleguy on July 23rd, 2015

The name of my brother’s wife? Yes.

But you can surely imagine this is not about her.

Chuck Swindoll once wrote:

The habit of always putting off an experience until you can afford it, or until the time is right, or until you know how to do it is one of the greatest burglars of joy. Be deliberate, but once you’ve made up your mind-jump in.  Living on the Ragged Edge

Chuck nails my philosophy on the head. I live by the moniker: Live Your Adventure.

I have a friend who was diagnosed with prostate cancer and had radical surgery. God has granted him healing and me the further gift of his friendship. He has always wanted a Harley but his wife kept saying, “Later. Later when we get this done.” Or “Later when we get that paid off.” During the surgery she looked at me and said, “Bill, (_____) has always wanted a Harley, but I keep putting him off. No more. We can afford it so if he still wants it, I’m going to give him my full support.” It wasn’t very long until he had one. 🙂

My friend’s wife hit on the simple truth Chuck was talking about. Don’t waste your life. Finding joy in ugly circumstances is not easy, but it is essential.

The second fruit of the Spirit is JOY. My topic for Sunday. I’ll share more next week on the some of what hinders joy and also what enhances it. All I ask is for your prayers. Thanks.


10 Comments so far ↓

  1. Daniel says:

    My keyboard does not have an “amen” button, so I will just type it in by hand, A-M-E-N.

  2. Jeff says:

    This is my 20th year riding my 1995FLH. A Harley person knows what I’m talking about. It is also my 34th motorcycle. I started young. It is just part of my minimum living standards. It’s too bad your buddy had to get cancer to get his wife’s attention but whatever it takes.
    I can do without a wife but there are just some things a man needs.

  3. I think one of the great things about the fruit is that it grows the more you use it.

  4. Betty Draper says:

    Love this post Bill. Great truth in your words…and one does not have to be rich to sit by an ocean, hike a mountain, camp by a clear stream, laugh with your grandchildren, ride motorcycles…I say go for it if your health will stand it, and you pocket book can afford it, go for it.

    • cycleguy says:

      I agree Betty. We often miss out on the simple things because we lose sight of what is around us-that hike, that walk on the trail, fishing by a stream. i say Go for it!

  5. floyd says:

    Wow. My wife has been talking a lot about this lately, but my disciplined side isn’t listening. Maybe Someone is trying to tell me something!

    Life is short. Each day’s a gift. Good advice that sounds a lot like that song by Tim McGraw, “Live Like You Were Dying”.

    • cycleguy says:

      i am not a CM fan by any stretch but that is one song which impacted me big time. Someone even wrote a book either inspired by the song or which inspired the song.