
Written by cycleguy on August 9th, 2015

Yes, we are all flawed. That should be a given. But as you will see that is not what I want to focus on.

Have you wondered why you lose your patience over the littlest thing? I wrote about my sermon this past Sunday and that I was going to blog about it this week. This will be installment #1 of 2.

Chuck Swindoll, in his book Three Steps Forward/Two Steps Back wrote about 4 spiritual flaws we have which cause us to show less patience than we should. The main thoughts are his; the further commentary is mine.

Flaw #1: Because you are a Christian, all your problems are solved. Aaaaah yeah. Has anyone met anyone who has no problems? The Bible NEVER says, “Come to Jesus and all your problems will be solved.” We all have ups and downs in life. No one is immune.

Flaw #2: All problems you will ever have are addressed in the Bible. I used to say this, believe it or not. There are many times the Bible simply does not give specific answers to problems. Example: when I was in high school, I had a pastor whom I loved, but one of his teachings was dancing was wrong. Senior Prom time. The pastor has moved on. I searched and asked around if the Bible said dancing was wrong. I found none and was told none. Lap dancing is obviously wrong 🙂 ;  but dancing in general? No.

Flaw #3: If you are having problems you are unspiritual. Wow! That statement wipes out Jesus, Peter, Paul, Stephen and a host of other Bible characters.

Flaw #4: Being exposed to sound Biblical teaching automatically solves problems. If you find that sort of church, please tell me. I’d like to go. Then again, I would mess that up. The declaration of truth does not  guarantee the removal of difficulties.

This thing of having patience is not an easy deal. It is made more difficult by the skewed thinking we sometimes have. If you find yourself thinking any of these, stop today. You’ll be glad you did. Do you find yourself fighting any of these?


16 Comments so far ↓

  1. Linda Stoll says:

    Patience or lack of … yeah. I hear you, Bill. This continues to be a big one at times.

    In my life, I see this as a spiritual issue, a lack of yielding to His control. That fruit is available to all of us whose lives are yielded to Him. Love, joy, peace etc.

    Thanks for putting this on the table.

  2. Daniel says:

    I struggle with patience in some areas of my life and in others I am remarkable disciplined. However, I have found to my own constant frustration, that the skill of patience is not easily transferrable from one area to another.

  3. Jeff says:

    I know some people will believe anything. It just is hard to believe anyone actually thinks any of the 4 flaws are true.

  4. Betty Draper says:

    Great points Bill…I love Swindolls quote of our walk being three steps forward and two back…

  5. You are spot on, Bill. Jesus never said we wouldn’t have problems or flaws or storms, but He did promise to be with us through it all. My pastor likes to say that sometimes Jesus will calm the storm, and other times, He’ll say, “This a good one, my child, let’s ride it out together!”

  6. Very good points here. I wish there were answers/solutions to some problems. There aren’t. All we can do is keep having faith that one day we will leave this world behind. Some days Jesus can’t come soon enough. 🙂

    • cycleguy says:

      Wishing there were answers seems to be the norm Kim. I know I wish there were more often at least. Certainly agree with you on that last comment.

  7. I think when I was young I believed one or two of them.

  8. Pam says:

    Chuck Swindoll has shared so many solid, Biblical truths. Dick and I have heard people repeat these four flawed statements in many churches we have served. Sadly, they make God out to be a huge disappointment to those who believe them. God promised to be with us through all our struggles and His Word gives us guiding principles to live by, but he never promised us “a rose garden”. Thanks for the summary Bill!

    • cycleguy says:

      You are right Pam in so many ways. As you and Dick have, so have I. It is sad to hear people repeat these like puppets. I do believe some Bible teachers will be held accountable for their lies.