
Written by cycleguy on August 13th, 2015

Have you ever wished you were further along in your Christian walk than you are (assuming you are a follower of Jesus)? I have met a number of people who bemoan the fact they still struggle with temptation and sin.

I say, “Hello! Welcome to the world of following Jesus!”

For some lame reason there are people who have this mistaken idea 1) they shouldn’t be sinning like they do; and 2) they should at least be further along than they are.  The first…well…it is true sin should become distasteful for us but to stop sinning? Yeah, it ain’t going to happen in this lifetime. The second… well…there is some truth to that at times. Just like we expect a baby to grow up from infancy to toddlerhood to elementary school to high school and beyond, we should also have some expectation for growth in our faith walk. We would be concerned if our child never got beyond breast milk or a bottle and soft baby food. In the same vein we should “expect” to see a person moving from milk to meat.

But one thing has to be kept in mind: spiritual growth happens one step at a time. Trying to leap frog people simply does not work.

Randy’s contention (and I agree) is often our expectations out reach where a person is. In other words, we need to see people where they are now not where we think they ought to be. No one grows at the same pace and we do a great disservice to everyone expecting equal “standing.” Furthermore, we need to do away with name calling like “lazy,” or “apathetic,” or “carnal,” or “not dedicated.” 

Let’s follow Jesus’ example.  During the breakfast on the shore, Jesus didn’t castigate Peter. He didn’t say, “Peter, you should have known better.” He restored him and said, “Feed my sheep.” Maybe we ought to start taking the same approach toward people.  What say you?

This is my ongoing random posts about this book. I’m also foregoing my normal sermon “hint” because I am not preaching this week. I’m sure Ryan will appreciate your prayers.

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10 Comments so far ↓

  1. Rodney Olsen says:

    I wonder if part of the issue is that we sometimes see the Christian life as simply becoming ‘better people’ rather than striving to know Jesus better. If it’s all about ‘acting more christianly’ we will always be disappointed.

  2. We probably should be further along than we are. And we ought always think that.

  3. Daniel says:

    Yeah, I get into this mode sometimes when I don’t live up to my own “standards”. It can be frustrating to keep getting caught up in the same net sometimes.

  4. I will remember that Jesus meets me right where I am, no matter where I am on the Christian journey.
    Blessings, Bill!

  5. Jeff says:

    It seems to me that at times the theory is you just have to accept Jesus etc. But then there comes this maturing theory that must be based on how many rules you break or how many Jesus speak phrases you know or something.
    So if it only matters if you accept or not, then what are all of the rules you need to follow to be considered a maturing Christian. Sounds like legalism is still very much in play.

    • cycleguy says:

      i am not talking about rules Jeff. As in life, we look for “markers” which signal maturity and growth. Am I further along in the eating than i was a month or so ago? I think it is healthy to ask questions of ourselves spiritually, but not necessarily with rules and regulations. But you do raise a good point.