
Written by cycleguy on September 1st, 2015

I’ve started this post several times…in my head.

I even started it by sitting down at my computer in order to get it out last night, but I stopped myself.

Why? Two words. Two words which tell it all.

Ashley. Madison.

Yeah, those two words. To maybe put your mind at ease…this is not a confession. Least not as you might think. My name won’t be found nor will my credit card number (I don’t have one to use). Only if someone steals my identity…and that is a whole ‘nother deal.

I have a blogging friend whose blog is called “There Go I.” I am reminded of the statement “There but for the grace of God go I.” You see, I could be on that list. So could you. “There but for the grace of God…”  It is easy to gloat. Remember the televangelist scandal when one of them was caught paying off a mistress and another took shots at him only to be found in a compromising situation himself? “Pride goes before the fall.” Every time a prominent name comes up, the “gloat meter” wants to rise up. NO! “Pride goes before the fall.”

I want to remember that. I NEED to remember that. My pride will become my downfall. The moment I say, “I will never…” I have become fodder for the Tempter. My enemy will rear his ugly head and will not give up until I fall. Not that he isn’t doing that now, but arrogance makes it easier. Gloating has him drooling.

So…let’s not gloat. We all have the capability to fall. Let’s not make it a challenge the Enemy will be glad to take up.

My online presence here and elsewhere will be sketchy at best this week. A fairly empty week suddenly became full before the afternoon was over Monday. Thanks for understanding.


23 Comments so far ↓

  1. Daniel says:

    I have had a time or two where I pointed a finger at someone only to later give into the same sin. Do you think I learned my lesson? … Of course not. Ugh. I still have a ways to go.

  2. Betty Draper says:

    Great reminder Bill, easiest thing is judge others before we judge ourselves in light of the scriptures. I would with a few women who have been wrong and I remind them often, only by the grace of God the shoe is on the other foot. And the minutes you say, I would never, the enemy has got you and you will never forgive with the attitude. Let me say this again, great reminders Bill…thanks.

  3. Jeff says:

    I have Pride. I have lots of Pride. I am proud of my kids. And I am proud of the way I have not compromised my values. They may not be Christian values. But they are my values. Values my parents taught me. Nothing supernatural. Mostly very natural. And I am proud of that.

    • cycleguy says:

      There is nothing wrong with some pride. puffed up kind no. The kind you speak of, yes. We ought to be proud of our kids, and even the values taught us.

  4. Yep, I agree. We know the evil one loves to distract and deceive all of us, and none of us are immune from temptation. It’s good to be humble, full of grace, compassionate, and cautious.

    Nodding soberly, kindly, for any caught in a bad place, I am aware of my own sin struggles over the years too. It makes me shout out in joyful praise, though, to our God who can redeem and bring beauty from any of our repented sins. What a kind God he is.

    Thanks, Bill.

    Jennifer Dougan

  5. floyd says:

    I’m with you, Bill. I use that title as a constant reminder. The second I begin to think too much of myself I fall into the flesh and correction cometh!

    I appreciate your humility; a mark of Who it is we belong to.

  6. Lisa notes says:

    Ooh, wise words, Bill. We shouldn’t gloat, even when we think we can. We ALL fall in our own ways. Yes, there but for the grace of God go I….

  7. Deb Wolf says:

    Amen! Just because we sin differently we are still sinners. How we love to foolishly rate sins. And isn’t it funny that my sins are always less offensive than those committed by others? 🙂

  8. Ceil says:

    Hi Bill! It’s good to read something that helps me get grounded. I am not supposed to judge, and that means all the time.
    I have made plenty of mistakes, and I sure wouldn’t want that on the news…
    Hope you sail through your busy week!

  9. Zee says:

    Just found out about Ashley Madison… Not sure I am glad that now I know about that service (kind of like Adam and Eve were not glad to “be in the know” but thankfully the repercussions are not as drastic)…

    It’s sad.

    • cycleguy says:

      Yeah, it is one of those you wish you hadn’t heard of. Count yourself blessed to not have. If it was my fault you did, I am sorry.

      • Zee says:

        There is a saying in Russian, “It is better to know your enemy’s face” (as in, know what you’re dealing with.)

        • cycleguy says:

          I like that saying. The hidden things are scary when you don’t know the enemy. FYI: I read yesterday over 400 pastors resigned Sunday as a result of AM.

  10. Pam says:

    Like the humble man praying by the arrogant Pharisee, and like Floyd says, there but by the grace of God, go I. None of us is without a log in our own eye–and yet we constantly try to peer around it to judge others. 🙁