
Written by cycleguy on October 1st, 2015

 After spending nine months in Galatians, I am going to take a break from the “book” approach and take a more topical approach. OVCF celebrates her 11th Anniversary in October with a celebration on the 25th, so I thought I would take a look at what it means to be a church which is alive.

First up: On Your Mark…Go!

It is no secret the church must be able to reach each generation. It is one generation away from irrelevance. It starts with a question: why is the church here? The reason is simple: without a purpose we have no rhyme or reason.

It should be no surprise the church suffers from erosion-from inside and out. Erosion is a gradual destruction of something. Or to put it another way: “destroy by degree.” Erosion of values is real. What many thought years ago could/would never happen…has. The Bible predicted it. It said people will love having their ears tickled. But did we see this storm coming?

So…what does the church do? Stand by and watch it happen? Do we wring our hands in despair and give up? I say neither. We start acting like the church is supposed to act. Reaching out. Serving the less fortunate. Preaching the Gospel. Showing compassion without compromise.

So as I start this new series, would you mind saying a prayer for me, for us? Thanks.  And how do you envision the church alive?

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17 Comments so far ↓

  1. Daniel says:

    I will be praying for you tomorrow morning in my devotionals. I love that you are burning with energy and passion for what you know to be right.

  2. Linda Stoll says:

    Congrats on this great big milestone, friend! Party with your people!

    And yes, let’s simply do the next right thing. God has a way of putting it right in front of us and we’re more likely to see His guidance when we lay our own agendas aside.

    Personally, and as a church body.

    • cycleguy says:

      We hope to “party” and then use the next week to serve. I’ll tell more about that in the coming weeks. And yes, we need to lay our agenda aside.

  3. Happy Anniversary to OVCF!
    I see a church alive when it’s growing internally and externally. When it’s “flavor” the expression of His grace through its members, is being spread throughout it’s community and when the Lord’s name is glorified in all it’s doing.

  4. Betty Draper says:

    Happy Anniversary to OVCF. I am blessed to get to be a part of it by praying for you as the pastor and the church body.

  5. Happy Anniversary to a wonderful church! Keep reaching out, serving others, and preaching the Gospel in these troubled and troubling times.
    Prayers, Bill!

  6. Ed says:

    Awesome job Bill! And congratulations to OVCF!
    A fire that is definately on fire for God, a church that reaches out to people on the street, highway and byways, and most importantly, those that walk in through the church doors (I can’t stress this enough). I believe a church, whatever size it is, should be a community of believers that is as close to each other as a family is.

    • cycleguy says:

      We want to be a fire, Ed. And even though our opportunities are not as huge or as great as where you live (Las Vegas for those unaware), we desire to make a difference and set a fire for good right here.

  7. Gingi says:

    My first experiencing with reaching out when I became a Christian at the age of 14, was handing out bottles of water to the skateboarders at our local skate park, and inviting the teens to join us at youth group… it helped that our youth pastor was a pro skater, haha… –

  8. Jeff says:

    While I fully expect the decline in overall participation to continue I am sure individual churches can grow. Albeit by taking members from other churches. I read an article the other day on why huge numbers of millennials have no use for organized religion. The main point was that most Christian religions no longer center on the teachings of Jesus but instead have a different agenda involving money or politics or some leaders whim. They give passes to some (divorced women)that Jesus did say something about and condemn and ridicule others (gays)that Jesus said nothing about. Jesus wasn’t a arms open smiley faced lover boy. He was a political activist that wanted more for the poor and unfortunate. That idea gets lip service from most churches but not much everyday action from its members.
    I think the main reason organized religion is fast becoming irrelevant is the huge gap between what its members say and what they do. A lot of people don’t care to be associated with those types.

    • cycleguy says:

      I realize it is easy to paint with a broad brush, Jeff, but I can honestly say we don’t reach for people from other churches. Nor do we have an agenda of money, politics (never mentioned) or some leaders whim. We are trying to reach out to all people-divorced or gay. Jesus’ main reaction was against the religious club’s status quo and country club acceptance. We want to be neither. I do agree with you on one of the reasons for irrelevance, but I don’t want to be part of organized religion either.

  9. Ceil says:

    Hi Bill! I don’t think there’s a church around that doesn’t suffer from the flock wandering away. It’s really our nature to get bored I think.
    I will keep praying for you and your flock as you search for ways to stay relevant and serve with a humble heart. I think you are definitely on to something, and I know from your other posts that your church has a heart for others.