
Written by cycleguy on October 6th, 2015

Physical discipline is the only form of punishment.

So says some legalists. So says Stone 21 which Randy is refuting.

Don’t believe it? Ask Westboro. They flaunt those stupid signs which say, “God Hates Fags” and protest veterans’ funerals who die in combat. Why? Because they believe their death is the result of God meting out His vengeance and punishment upon American soldiers for America’s drift to okay homosexuality. While I have my personal belief about the morality of homosexuality (which is not the point of this post), I TOTALLY DISAGREE with Westboro that a soldier dies as punishment. In fact, I will go on record and say, “That is a bunch of crock!”

David committed sin with Bathsheba. The ramifications of that were felt down through the years. His loss of joy (not physical). The rape of his daughter by a heathen. The subsequent killing of that man by Absalom. The revolt of Absalom against his father. The eventual death of Absalom and David’s mourning. Chastisement and judgment comes in many and varied ways.

A wayward father who loses the love of his family. The drug-addled teen who loses his mind. The late night computer visits by a mom who decides to leave her family in the lurch. The devastation brought on by sin is ravenous but also different. No size fits all. Consequences of foolish choices happen.

The reality is this: no matter how discipline or chastisement happens it is a sobering thing.

This is one of my random posts from this book. What do you think?

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18 Comments so far ↓

  1. Betty Draper says:

    OMG, I’m gonna need anew white hankie if you keep this up. Good one…

  2. Daniel says:

    There are times when I would have much preferred a physical whipping instead of the mental anguish brought on by my sins. Sobering indeed.

  3. Linda Stoll says:

    God certainly allows natural consequences to take place as the result of our choices, whether they’re good or not so much.

    We reap what we sow. Even after asking for forgiveness, the remnants of our bad choices often remain.

  4. Jeff says:

    I don’t think bad results from bad decisions are punishment. That’s just how it is. I have never seen any evidence of God meting out anything good or bad.. I have experienced the results of bad decisions. Hopefully you live and learn.

  5. Sharon says:

    Sin has its consequences, indeed. But I think we must be awfully careful when we start pointing fingers and deciding what God is or is not doing. Jesus counseled us to judge not. I think we all can do a better job of taking His advice.


  6. Ceil says:

    Hi Bill! I don’t know about you, but I’m Irish, so there was plenty of guilt flying around my house. Physical punishment is totally NOT the only kind of punishment.

    Certainly being away from God in our sin also creates a chasm that hurts in our souls. I haven’t been physically whipped, but I know I’m not where I should be. God knows how best to point out that I’m far from Him.

  7. Yes, foolish choices do have their consequences, Bill. So glad to know that the Lord will forgive our messes when we repent and turn to Him.

  8. floyd says:

    I have to remind myself that “His ways are higher than our ways.” If the deaths of those people were the ones that knew God, including the young and unborn, then we know that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. How can we begin to judge the mind of the Creator that spoke life into existence and is the power behind the perpetual motion that sustains life?

    The fact that this planet hasn’t been wiped from existence proves the grace and love of the Creator. My two cents only, before I begin to really ramble…