
Written by cycleguy on January 27th, 2016

Boy!  Talk about opening up a can of worms!! That word means so many things to so many different people.

To a dieter it means shedding weight.

To a person unhappy with their body image it can often mean anorexia or bulimia.

To someone into wholeness it means cleansing the body of impurities, usually through a colon cleanse or some bodily/health action.

To me…well it meant something else.  I did something I have been putting off for what seems like centuries. I purged many of my files. I went through many of my files (I still have many to do) and got rid of unwanted, unnecessary and un-roomed (translated: I needed the room in my file drawer) files which needed purged long time ago.


But I kept putting it off.  And off. And off. For something like two years. I had files from 10 years ago. I had files from meetings long forgotten. Minutes. Notes. From conferences I had attended. I didn’t do it indiscriminately. I looked at the material and thought, “I haven’t used this in ______ years. What makes me think I am suddenly going to switch gears and use it?”  Pitch.

Purge. Many of my files have been purged.

We do that with our lives also don’t we? Carry around garbage long past useful (if it ever was). Emotions. Hurt feelings. Betrayals. Stuff filed away. Why? To bring up hurts again? So I can remember that in 2000 something so-and-so hurt me deeply? For what point? IMHO long past time to be deleted. Purged from the memory bank. It’s over and done with.

So…along with purging some of your files of paper, why not purge some of that other garbage? You know…the stuff which doesn’t amount to a hill of beans anymore. The junk you have allowed to define who you are.

My file drawers are sure leaner. I can put some fresh stuff in them without overflowing them. Maybe it is time to do the same with your “life file.”


16 Comments so far ↓

  1. Jeff says:

    This is maybe one of your best posts ever. I hope it is original so I can think I am finally inspiring you to greatness. If I had to put a name on my religion it would be the worship of SIMPLE. I like to keep it simple. We all have needs that we have to work to keep satisfied. And I think we all have wants that we have to work at eliminating. I agree. Eliminate the baggage, the nonsense, the ego, the image, the bad feelings, and just be happy.

  2. Betty Draper says:

    I love purging, love to live simple, hate clutter. But mostly hate things that clutter my mind and heart. Good post Bill.

  3. Pam says:

    Good advice, Bill. I find it easy to purge “things” and “stuff”. Heart “things” and “stuff” can be more of challenge to purge but with the help of the Holy Spirit we can discern what MUST go.

  4. floyd says:

    Good analogy. Funny how that pride likes to hang onto old hurts to fuel the poison inside…

  5. Great advice, Bill. And what a great thing to do as we are closing in on the season of Lent – perfect time for cleansing and renewal!

  6. Nancy says:

    I’m trying and this gave me a chuckle. There are many things hiding in the corners that suddenly appear when you least expect it. Events that you thought you purged many years ago, suddenly show their ugly selves.

  7. Rodney Olsen says:

    Having to purge a bunch of files also makes us a bit more careful about what we file away in the first place. Sometimes, even though it’s not always possible, we need to decide to just let things go at the time rather than filing them away to be dealt with later.

  8. cycleguy says:

    From David via email:

    Is this message a coincidence? I think not! I have been digging in old files of my life and wondering how to purge them. Then you write this. Can only be God at work in my life. Amazing!
    Thank you!