
Written by cycleguy on April 14th, 2016


C.S. Lewis once said,

There are two dangers about Satan and demons. One is to disbelieve they exist and the other is to have an unhealthy interest in them.

Once during my college education I found myself straddling the latter. Not in the sense of participating in satanic stuff or even of clamoring for more. I was doing research for a paper and found myself consumed by it. As I studied satanism more and more, I found myself becoming more and more disturbed.  At the time I wasn’t aware of praying for a “hedge of protection” to be built around my heart and mind. As a result, I found myself “rattled” a few times with chills and waking up in the middle of the night with a heavy feeling on my chest. I was never so glad to be done with a paper as I was with that one.

Fascination with satanism and horror has always been there in history. Some not so nice times in our country’s history are from a misunderstanding of people’s identities. The film industry has capitalized on our desire for the gross and macabre with a multitude of successful movies.

But Satan, our mortal enemy, is not one to be trifled with. He does not play games. He always has a purpose to what he places in front of us. He really has only one motive: give followers of Christ a hard enough time to get them to compromise. A sermon series on “What We Believe” would not be complete without a discussion of the enemy. My final sermon in this series deals with the enemy. Jesus said it well: “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matthew 10: 28) I’d appreciate your prayers for this weekend.


9 Comments so far ↓

  1. Lisa notes says:

    Praying for your preparations (physical and spiritual) for this weekend. That is definitely a tough topic, and one that I don’t like to delve into very often either. I want to keep a healthy distance. 🙂 I’m sure your sermon will be a blessing to those who hear it.

  2. Sharon says:

    Bill, my prayers are with you. For indeed, when we choose to *unmask* the enemy, he isn’t happy about it. I love that quote from Lewis, and I thought his book “The Screwtape Letters” was a very powerful insight into how our enemy works against us. As I recall, he also felt a *presence* while writing that book.

    A proper sense of the devil can only be found by relying on the Lord’s Word. Yes, he is real, he is scary – but he is also a conquered enemy.


  3. Jeff says:

    I have discovered that if you believe the Devil is fiction he will never bother you. I haven’t ever been bothered by the Devil.

    • Jeff, the devil is not fiction. I, for one, certainly wish that was true. You seem to be on a balance beam of wondering, as you so contribute to Bill’s site here, as to whether or not you should simply believe in the Lord, our Savior.
      I was once in your camp. I was a scoffer and a mocker. It’s a long story, but God spoke to my heart, and I began to climb His mountain, not stew in the valleys of life.
      You can have it, too, brother.
      And if the devil has you convinced that he is not bothering you, he is already numbering your head in his camp. Praying for you!

  4. floyd says:

    Praying for you, Bill.

    Indeed. The only thing holding back utter destruction that our enemy seeks in our lives is the sovereign and loving hand of our Father… even to His enemies.

  5. Tough subject to preach about but so necessary in this day and time when people tend to dismiss the devil as not being the real enemy. Praying your message is heard, loud and clear, Bill, and praying a hedge of protection around you and your congregation.

  6. Pam says:

    Prayers coming your way, Bill! A subject that is rarely addressed in the church today.

  7. Jeff says:

    Trust me I am not on that balance beam of wondering. I have no doubt that it is fiction. If someone wants to believe it I won’t mock or scoff, no matter how silly I think it is. I am a person that believes what the evidence proves. There is no evidence that even remotely provides proof of religious claims. All Gods(2000 and counting)are man made including yours. I am open to hearing or seeing your evidence. Until then I’ll reasonably call it fiction.

  8. Ceil says:

    Hi Bill! What a huge experience to have had in your past, and to be able to reflect on as an adult. You have a gift in that, because you realize just how destructive and upsetting evil is to our whole being. Not just body, but soul too.

    I think most people want to stress the heavenly, and that’s only natural. But that doesn’t mean that the devil or evil doesn’t exist. I pray that it all went well today, and that you feel you were able to get your points across. How it’s accepted is up to the Lord. I know he was in your corner today.