Written by cycleguy on December 4th, 2008


Other than when I played basketball and baseball I haven’t really said that all that much. I won several awards when I played basketball in college (I don’t even have them anymore though so that tells their importance to me). But when it comes to winning in a contest…forget it. I have never played the lottery for several reasons but one big one (other than the moral one) is why spend money on something I will not win anyway? I have entered several Tour de France contests (win a new bike, a jersey, a trip to next year’s Tour) and never have won. I have answered several Chili’s and WallyWorld surveys but have never been contacted with “You won!!” Several years ago GM drew customers into their lot by “if you try this and the OnStar tells you that you are a winner then you win the vehicle you are in.” Nope, didn’t win that. Our local grocery store is having a contest that if you fill up a card they will scratch off the back to see what you have won. My bride won…$1. I haven’t even filled up a card yet!! All those free drawings at conferences? Nope never won.

BUT I FINALLY WON!!! Thanks to Heidi over at Candid Chatter I won the heart on this blog. Sure, she picked me #2 behind Steve but hey, I still won! I am so overwhelmed I don’t even have a speech prepared. In fact, I am blubbering even as I write. So go here to see what the heck has got me so excited. And then rejoice along with me. So thank you Heidi for the award. It means more to me than all those crushed up trophies from days of ‘yore. And I also would like to thank my wife for her inspiration. My daughters for their support. My grandson for his love. Ad infinitum. Ad nauseum. And especially to all my fans out there, I give you a big hearty Yahooooo!  🙂


8 Comments so far ↓

  1. Heidi Reed says:

    [clap, clap, clap, whistle, clap]

  2. Bill…as long as you remember your place…#2…you will be fine!

  3. cycleguy says:

    Heidi: deep bow and hand wave.

  4. cycleguy says:

    Steve: you are bound and determined to get this Italian going. But i will remember my place and be humble while doing so. 😉

  5. Tami says:

    You need help (this is where a rolling eyes smiley should go). Let me see if I can get one to work :rolleyes:

  6. cycleguy says:

    Okay gang! This is my oldest daughter doing this nasty rolling eyes thing. Anyone going to come to my defense? You just remember little lady I will see you in about 2 weeks or so.

  7. Tami says:

    I LOVE YOU!!!

    and I can eye roll now because I don’t live at home (besides I see it all day so it’s all I know- at least that’s what my students would believe)

  8. cycleguy says:

    I love you too. They probably learned the eyeroll from your use of it as a teen and even now when you react to my teasing.