
Written by cycleguy on December 22nd, 2016


I have been virtually absent from this blog and others’ blogs as well. A comment here or there. A post here or there. I’ve had some time to re-evaluate how I feel about a lot of things, but in this case, Cycleguy’s Spin. Curiously, instead of slowing down, life picked up speed. Things which seemed second nature to me suddenly became more laborious. I chalk it up to the wreck on November 7th and the life-pace change which took place as a result. I have not been able to sleep horizontally (in my bed) since November 7th. My recliner has become my favorite place to spend my restless evenings trying to grab some uncomfortable sleep. That has lessened pretty much (for which I am grateful) but I still haven’t been horizontal.

The wreck. 6 hours in an ER getting x-rays. A huge dark purple hematoma developing on my hip which eventually moved down my leg to blow up my knee, then my calf and lower leg, and then finally my ankle/foot.  A visit to an Urgent Care Clinic. An ultrasound to make sure of no blood clots. Finally a reference from a PCP to a general surgeon for a possible slice and drain of the hematoma. After two weeks of Lasix and heat compresses and God’s amazing machine called the body, the surgeon has said no surgery will be required. YES!!!My body is absorbing it.

Add to that mix two weddings, a funeral, a growing & involved church in the community and the recipe is for busyness. The church is preparing for a Christmas breakfast for our community, plus a Christmas Eve service and one on Sunday morning. Fortunately, they are identical. I had planned on taking a Tuesday and going off to a retreat center for some solitude but even that blew apart.

My grandson is now with us for a few days. (Yeah, that brings peace and quiet). 🙂 But he is a joy to have around. And joy is something we all need. That, after all, was the message the angels carried to the shepherds that first night: “I bring you good news of great joy.”

So that is what I wish for you this Christmas season. A season of JOY.  My next post will be after Christmas so please have a blessed and joy-filled Christmas. And thanks for hanging in there with me.


7 Comments so far ↓

  1. I been missing for a while myself and I just now read the WRECK post…yikes! I’m so glad you’re on the mend and I’ll be praying for complete healing! Merry Christmas my brother!

  2. Ed says:

    Praise God that no surgery will be needed. It’s usually around Christmas that I get busy scheduling posts for the new year. Merry Christmas to you and yours Bill! Thanks for a wonderful blog!

  3. So happy to hear you won’t need surgery, Bill! Aren’t our bodies simply amazing?
    Keep healing, enjoy your grandson, and have a Merry Christmas filled with comfort and joy!

  4. floyd says:

    Glad to hear things are working out, even if it slower than you’d like.

    Joy, what a wonderful thing to have this season. True joy only comes from Above and within when He resides within us.

    Merry Christmas to you and your whole tribe, Bill. God bless you and yours.

  5. Pam says:

    Merry Christmas, Bill! Praying you completely heal over the next few days and God restores your energy as you serve Him. Christmas is especially challenging for pastors so some extra prayers coming your way.

  6. Rodney Olsen says:

    Have a wonderful Christmas. I look forward to hearing more from you after the big day and into the new year.

  7. Betty Draper says:

    Just two more hours and this Christmas will be officially over according to the world. Thankful for us that know Him it’s Christmas everyday. Praying you get a chance to get away. It’s been a year of interruption of health issue for me. I have never felt my age so much with a few more years added on. Nothing like a bike wreak or a surprise from a doctor to shake things up a little. You need rest and I am a little sick of everyone telling me to take it easy. My favorite phrase is, life got in the way, for you too it sounds like. Praying for you Bill.